chapter 4: blood stained

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I walked out and glared at Shazza, " leggy? This just barely covers me..." I said it with a flushed face. I was retaping my bad arm the best I could, wasn't exactly a medic.

She smirked, " I think you look good! Plus it's so hot. All the other stuff was way too heavy. I did try to look though." She said, handing me my bag. "I found it laying around." She patted my head.

I was relieved to find my bag I dug threw it pulling my sunglasses out. I pulled my old pair out and handed them to her. " For finding me an outfit. They aren't perfect but hey they work."

She looked beyond grateful, " damn girl really?" She hugged me. " Thank you so much. "

I smiled, " alright thanks again...even if it's showy I'm still grateful I guess it covers more than my others honestly. " I laughed lightly. " Alright I have to go find the hide and seek champ. " I pulled my bag on and waved as I ran off.

I felt a lot better having washed but my body still hurt.... My new outfit consisted of a black skin tight tank top that came up over my belly button by a few inches, and camouflage shorts, and I mean SHORTS. Just enough to cover my ass and go an inch down my leg. I was glad at least she found some thigh high black stockings.

But it was way more skin than I was used to showing off, but I guess I was doing a lot of things I normally didn't do. I looked down at my arm, I wondered if he would wrap it up for me again. Seeing how I did it so bad it was slipping off already.

I reached where he had vanished in the first place. I went over to where he had been standing... I looked at how the sand had moved showing where he had most likely slowly backed up. I followed it until I was at a wall... I looked around and the trail had vanished.

I looked at the wall tilting my head up... He was impressive but with his hands bound like they had been there is no way. I turned around looking.

There was no trail... I noticed some stone steps that lead away from the area and to elevation... I looked back at the wall. I crouched down.. I noticed a trail that went right against the wall. I just thought that it was there from the winds. Didn't look like footprints... But it stopped right at the steps.

I went over to the steps and sure enough you could see where someone had gone up the steps, leaving traces of sand. I raced up the steps... I reached the top and was super excited to find him.

I paused for a second. Those thoughts troubled me for a second, him of all people, someone I barely knew. But he felt different. I knew he was dangerous but not like how John's was. I kept moving, pushing the thoughts to the side.

I reached the top and just barely stopped in time to not fall into a giant hole. What the hell.. I looked down and sure enough Riddick was leaning against the wall below with blood pooling slowly around him.

I went wide eyed and yelled, " riddick!?" He looked up slowly, I could tell he was breathing heavily. "I'm coming!" I started looking for a way down. Had he just jumped?! I sat on the edge and swallowed looking down. It seemed like it was a million feet...

Riddick groaned, I took a deep breath and started to climb down. I got to where I was just hanging on by one hand. I looked down seeing where I would land, I was clear... I had to just let go.

" Any day now baby doll I'm only dying down here." He grumbled.

I let go and fell fast, I landed barely on my feet I stumbled back pain shooting through my legs. But as I landed on my ass I realized I was generally okay.

I jumped up on my feet and raced over to him, " w-where are you shoot?!" I scanned his body but there was to much blood. I pulled my bag off and rummaged through my bag.

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