<3 An Authors Note <3

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Hello all! I am sad to say that I was gone for so long, I am currently editing so many of my stories and trying to end some of them because its been years. Not to worry this story is one that I just finished editing and will be making a real effort to continue to add to. 

I am always so grateful to all who read my stuff and it really pushes me to keep going on days that I don't feel it. If you are reading any of my other works please have patience and understanding some of the stories had been written well over ten years ago and I wasn't as good at spelling and not as mature. 

I just posted the latest chapter! I hope you enjoy <3 Let me know what you think and honestly maybe give the story a look over. I am currently deciding if i want to follow the original story of Riddick with my own twist or if I want to create my own thing. (I'm all ears on what you all are thinking)

I hope you all have a great year and have a lovely day

Much love,

The author 

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