chapter 9: dancing in the stars

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I rubbed my eyes as I awoke, this time around I knew where I was at least. Maybe I was finally getting used to being away from home.

I tried to stay quiet as I made an attempt to clear my frenzied mind of the thick fog of sleep. I can't believe I fell asleep! Ugh... I got to my feet looking out the vent.

It was darker like someone had turned the lights down and silent except snoring coming from some place near. I tried to look at Riddick, it seemed like he hadn't moved from his spot. But I couldn't see much with the lights being off.

I slid the door open silently holding on to the edge of the frame as I left. I pulled the glow stick out and hid it in the closet. I tiptoed to where the snoring was coming from.

Axel was passed out in a bed. His brown hair fell across his face. I glared at him.. I pulled away and went over to the cell Riddick was in...

I pushed the code into the door and it unlocked, making a loud click noise. I went wide eyed and panicked. I heard the snoring stop and I turned around.

I was grabbed before my eyes could adjust. Axel was holding my shoulders in a death grip, glaring down at me. He looked like he was ready to kill me but then his face melted into awe.

I stared up at him terrified.

He chuckled , " well lookie here... I can tell right away... You're the one on the phone." He smirked and pinned me to the bars behind us making a clunk noise.

He held my chin, making me frozen in place, I held the bars trying to turn my head away.
He leaned in and a pair of hands shot from behind me grabbing Axel's throat.

I heard riddicks heavy breathing from behind me. It sounded labored... his hand shook as it held Axel. At first Axel had fear on his face but it shifted to amusement.

" I have to say the fact that you're moving at all is amazing..." He said it, yanking easily out of his grasp he yanked me away as Riddick tried to grab me.

He held me by my hair and tossed me on the floor. I gasped as Riddick slowly collapsed against the bars. He growled and turned looking at Axel...

" Don't.. touch..." He hissed.

Axel looked surprised then he looked at me, he started laughing. " No... Don't tell me..." He walked over to me grabbing me up and brushing hair from my face. " You're sure tiny... What's your name?" He asked, stroking my face.

I glared up at him.

He chuckled, " Sure is cute, Riddick look at the pout!" He pinched my cheek. " Now... " He looked down at me threateningly. " I have ways of making you talk." He said it darkly.

I clamped my mouth shut.

He grinned and turned around grabbing a handful of something. He turned to me and grabbed my face. Before I knew it he was shoving pills into my mouth. He pinched my nose and covered my mouth. " Swallow. " He said it.

I shook my head and tried to fight it but eventually I had to swallow and the pills went down rough. I was very confused and so scared. What had he given me?!0

He smirked down at me, " I was saving those for a rainy day but look... It's raining." He laughed gesturing toward the glass.

He turned back around and held up my phone... The screen! It was fixed! My screen lit up just like it used to! I reached out and found my arm moved slower than ever... it .. it was rippling.

He smirked, " I was from earth. Been in space for about 5 years now. I got taken because I looked like a convict they had been hunting down. I mean besides it sometimes being a drag... It's been the best thing ever. " He scrolled through it. " But I do miss the earth sometimes... Mostly the homegrown girls like you!" He turned the phone to Riddick, it was me at the beach with my friends laughing in my bathing suit.

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