Chapter 14: His eyes

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I sighed at the person at the counter, " No I don't know, If I did I wouldn't be asking..." I said it with a fake smile. My lips parted slightly ... I wasn't sure what else to say... You didn't get far with negative talk around here.

" With the comet coming.. We are selling things as quickly as we can to get rid of it. We are leaving." The person said holding out the food.

I took the food, and handed them the money. " Please take it?" I asked but they shook their heads, not refusing. They then stepped away.

I knew this was all I was going to be getting... I sighed heavily but put the food into my bag and nodded starting to walk away. I guess I better head back to the house, Ziza would be getting hungry soon if not now. I walked down the road, it seemed that no matter what the stupid world always had to be ending.

I took the long way home, taking a moment to sit along the great wall overlooking the water and watch the water. I looked up at the beautiful comet stretching across the sky. The Necromungers... Everyone was whispering about them half the people trying to run and hide, to escape and the other not wanting to give up on what they had worked so hard on.

The planet from what I learned in my short year and a half here had been like a beacon of light to others. In more than one way, It provided for many planets within range. It was oddly the most balanced place I had ever seen. I wasn't much into Politics and I wasn't religious, but I had to admit... It was a beautiful place and I liked it far better than earth.

I sighed watching the water again, I could see some children playing still at the water's edge. I was scared for these people... No one knew what really happened when they landed but everyone knew that there wasn't much left afterwards.

I told Iama many times to go with Jack and Emmun, to run... He said there was a bigger cause. After weeks of trying I gave up... But I could tell he was acting weird. He often locked all the doors and windows at night.

I looked down at my outfit picking some dirt off my sleeve. It was a beautiful outfit mostly white with tan and gold delicate design on it. Lajjun, Iama's wife,  had gifted me gold jewelry to go with it. I didn't stand out too much anymore like before, but I did get approached by many men... I half lied saying I was promised to another.

I pressed my hand on my chest feeling Riddick's necklace...

Someday... I closed my eyes and felt the pain... What I would give....

I saw that it was getting dark and headed toward home seeing some soldiers running down the road. Hmmm....

I felt like something was off and quickly made my way home. When I reached the house I heard talking above in Iama's office. Hmm? Did Iama have someone over? Or was it just Lajjun?

I went into the house and saw Ziza sitting outside the office staring at someone. She turned back looking at me, " Auntie! " She yelled and jumped up running over to me.

"Ziza... Shouldn't you be upstairs?" Lajjun ordered from the steps making the girl frown and run up the steps. Lajjun gave me a look before disappearing with her daughter.

I raised a brow and headed toward his study.

" Who else is here, holy man?" A voice rang out from the silence.

A voice I knew all too well...I grabbed the hand with the knife coming to my throat and dropped down flinging the body around grabbing the knife jumping on top of the person with the knife to their throat, they twisted me around rolling on top hitting the knife from my hands. The knife went into the wall, my leg went up but got pinned. My arms got grabbed and slammed above my head. Iama looked between us worried.

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