chapter 2: The crash

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I was getting really tired of walking. The desert was pretty in a way but it was hot and I was looking in awe at the sky. I know that the lighting should have changed in one way or another. I hope this place has an Oasis. But... I was doubting it.

I had been walking for hours, at least that's what my phone said. The poor thing was shattered but I could see enough of the screen to make out the time. I must have walked 5 miles already. I had nothing to wrap my arm and I had gashes all over me. I'm sure my face was a mess as well.

My body pulsed with pain but I was growing used to it. At least I was alive and I knew if I didn't keep going I would die for sure.

I had reached the last of the ship now and frowned, it was rather quiet. I listened for anything moving, hissing gas or even crackling fire... Nothing. But this part was bigger and more together. This part had the most hope of survivors.

I wasn't an idiot whatever happened most likely the captain had purged the other parts to land the front part of the ship. I shrugged, I couldn't blame them. Whoever had survived anyway. It would be upsetting but still...

I heard a bunch of yelling and watched as a man ran out of the ship yelling then I heard him shots. I gasped running after him. As I drew closer I heard yelling from a young girl and a woman. Then I heard a man start yelling over top of them.

" He was a survivor!! How could you shoot him!?" The young voice yelled.

" I don't know! He scared me! What if he was that Riddick fellow!?" The man yelled back. He was so panicked.

I heard someone else groan as I turned the corner, a woman shook her head checking the man's pulse. " From what John said I doubt he was Riddick, doesn't seem like a stone cold killer to me. I'm sorry hun." She said it with wild curly hair and dark eyes.

I was so happy to see people! I let out a squeak of joy. It drew attention to me and I gasped as the man had his gun pointed at me.

The woman grabbed the gun and told him to put the damn thing away. Everyone rushed over to them, " another survivor!?" The younger teenage girl asked with glee. I eyed her hair and clothes... Or was she a he? For all I know these people are aliens. I shrugged it off and left a breath out.

" I gotta say I've never been happier to see strangers in my life. '' I said it tears welling in my eyes.

The woman smiled at me weakly, " well aren't you adorable! Look at your hair, I don't think I've ever seen that color before!" She patted my head... Uh...

I smiled blushing a little, " I'm Alice, I gotta say I'm very confused right now." I scratched my head.

I looked at the man who was stressed out and then I looked around and my eyes landed on another man in the distance. I was excited. I was happy to see another survivor! " Who's that?" I asked, pointing at him as I turned to look at their faces. They looked confused, I turned back and frowned... He was gone. "There was a man over there.... With goggles and I think he had no hair?" I explained.

They looked at each other, " that must be Riddick... The convict. " The woman told me.

The man frowned, " the murderer." He added.

The young one looked around anxious. " Did you see any other people alive?"

I shook my head no, " I checked any that looked like they could have any but every time no luck. All the others... There was no way." I frowned, tapping my chin, " but that might be a good thing in the end." I whispered.

We already had a murderer among the people who survived , I didn't know these people. I didn't know where I was. They looked human enough but the man had just shot someone out of fear. Too many people would probably be more problematic. As much as I had wished they had all survived.

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