chapter 6: Born and Made

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As his name left my mouth I heard a grunt and then John's was being dragged off. I stayed on the ground staring in horror. He kicked around trying to get out of Riddick's death grip. Riddick tossed him out of the door and turned to me.

"You!" He growled and pointed at me, making me jump from the floor to my feet. He turns his hand curling his finger telling me to come over.

I hesitated for a moment but then walked over to him nervously...

He watched me like a hawk. I stayed a few feet away from him but he sighed and reached his hand out calling me forward again.

I stepped closer within reach...

He placed a hand on my head, " you're going to finish your bath... But I'm going to sit at the door." He turned to John's. " Well first... I have to kick this guy's ass. " He looked down at me. " Then me and you are going to have a little talk." He growled it low, placing two fingers forehead then pushed me away gently.

I nodded trying to cover my chest. I felt my own innocence suddenly, but I pushed it all aside as it definitely wasn't the time.

He slammed the door and I turned around staring at the water. I stripped down and got into the cold tub. I didn't feel so good now... my stomach twisting from the bad nerves.

I let a breath out as I heard the commotion outside of the door turn to silence. I slide deeper into the tub as I let my thoughts swarm around. Maybe it wasn't a good time to let them come but when would it? So the darkness would come and I'd have to focus on that.

I didn't have it in me to kill John's at least not at the tip of a hat. I wasn't a killer, not yet. I thought about how I had beat him... If fry hadn't ripped me off him I might have done it then. I would have been tainted... not to say I would be a bad person but I wouldn't be the same.

I soaked in the tub until I started getting cold. Imagine that, I knew that would be short lived with the heat of the three suns. I climbed out of the tub and started twisting my hair to get as much water out as possible.

I had to mostly air dry rather than rubbing a sandy towel all over me and luckily it didn't take long. Eventually I pulled my clothes back on. I had gotten used to having barely anything on.... But I still wish I had at least a jacket or something.

I went to look in my bag for my brush... Oh... Shit I forgot that I didn't have it. I haven't had it since I was with Riddick in the boneyard. I frowned, running my hands through my hair after getting my socks and shoes on.

I grabbed the food and first aid then opened the door. I looked around, disappointed that Riddick was nowhere in sight. "I thought he was going to guard..." I whispered a little disappointed. I guess I shouldn't be that upset considering he saved me at all.

I heard a noise from behind me and turned to no one? I turned back to no one... I turned back to where the sound came from then looked above me. He was glaring down at me, his muscular arms folded and he was lounging across the top of the wall.

" Riddick?" I asked him, worried. Was he mad at me? Was it because I was being a pain to him?

He jumped down landing in front of me, " what?" He asked walking past me walking toward where we had been staying.

I rushed after him, " are you mad at me?" I asked, trying to keep up. I held the goods in my arms against my chest trying not to drop them.

He ignored me and kept going. I frowned looking after him with concern. I walked after him in silence.. What had I done wrong?

We reached the building and he simply jumped down without even looking.

I got to the edge, I held up the food and stuff, " may I toss-" I started to ask but he held his hands up and I tossed the food and first aid down and he caught it.

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