Chapter 13: Spit and Grit

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I spent god knows how long dealing with the assholes on this ship. The guys thought it was funny to sexually harass me and the woman just spat at me and tortured me. The big man, Mr. Gordy, was his name. He tried to keep them in line the best he could but it was kind of hard.

I was getting more and more tired of it by the day, the lucky times was when they put us into cyrosleep.

I had plenty of time to think, I tried to get more answers about what Mr. Gordy had said. But he and no one else would tell me. I was kept in the dark. I had no idea where I was going and no idea what was going to happen.

And my mother...

I spent hours and hours trying to remember my childhood.

My mother... Her smell...She had always been so sweet to me and I remember her singing me to sleep. She ... She was barely there though.. I was so young.

She smelled like ... the forest. When you go deep into the forest after it just rained and you're alone. You take a deep breath and feel connected and at peace... That is what I remembered most about my mother. Her face is almost gone from my own memories...

My father told me I looked like him but I was like her more in person. But that was it, I couldn't actually say anything against what he had said. Because she had died when I was a kid. I didn't even know how either... My dad only told me she disappeared and then turned up dead. He wouldn't say anything else, then when I was 18 years old my dad passed from cancer.

So any chance of the truth.. Well if what they said was true.. They knew it more than me. Ugh, They fucking dug my mother up out of her own grave. I wanted them to pay for that, I could deal with them wanting to take me in but to dig her up...

No respect...

" Daydreaming again?" One of the females said to me, spitting at my feet.

I opened my eyes looking at her bored, " Better than looking at you a lot all day in and out. " I grumbled at her. I wanted one thing answered.. who did it...

She looked pissed, " shut your mouth. You're lucky that Gordy gave us strict orders not to seriously injure you. " She growled.

I rolled my eyes, " Golly, Thanks... You hurt me far worse by digging my long dead mother out of her grave." I snapped at her through my teeth.

She smiled, " Yeah? A murderer who cares about dear old mom?" She said it in a mocking voice.

I just stared at her, " God I wish I was the one who did it to." I stayed silent... waiting... she sure does love to talk.... " That pleasure goes all to Gordy. He just left their bodies out in the open and everything! " She said it laughing. " The necromongers have been killing every Furyan they come across-" She was silenced by Gordy who slammed his fist on the wall next to her head.

"When will you learn to hold you fucking tongue?" He snapped, grabbing her and shoving her down the hall.

She didn't say much, leaving in a hurry. She mumbled something about finding a new team soon.

My eyes shifted to Gordy... I felt sick to my stomach... I hated this man...

He stared down at me. " Why the look? Had you liked me before?" He asked, amused. " Ya I'm the one that dug her up... I had a job to do. Even just getting that information, got me half a mil." He smirked and leaned into the bars. " and delivering you? oh so much more." He said it smiling.

I didn't say anything... just staring up at him.

He sighed then straightened up, "We stop at new mecca to restock before heading to our final stop." So don't worry soon your suffering will end. You'll just be another Furyan who lost their life." He said it as he walked

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