Chapter 15: Heat and Blood

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I was sweating so much...and my body was heavy and painful.

"Drink.." I head Riddick's voice order. Something was placed to my lips and I opened my mouth swallowing the nasty liquid. ugh tasted like rusty dirt. He chuckled, " Good girl." He praised me.

I slowly opened my eyes... My face felt crusty...

I met Riddick's eyes, he looked a little worried. It was a rare expression of his. I was still tired... I knew I had slept for a long time but my body was still healing. I sighed, " Sorry... To be a burden..." I said it in a rough voice.

He stared at me for a moment, then he leaned into my neck taking a deep breath. " You smell better... now... " He said it sitting next to me, folding his arms. " Your health wasn't too good...but you're getting better. " He looked alert. "You're recovering pretty fast..." He glanced down at me.

I went to sit up but he placed a blade to my neck making me lay back down ,"Not so fast Princess..." He breathed it into my ear sending a chill down my spine.

Yep still Riddick.. I laughed weakly and let him win. " Fine..." I said turning over to look at him better. I stared at him taking in his Mannish figure with his rolling muscles. I had nearly forgotten how he looked... My eyes met his reflective ones and I blushed, I hadn't seen him in years...

He smirked down at me, " Like what you see do you?" He teased and with his eyes almost glittering.

I sighed and closed my eyes, " You have no idea how much I've missed you." I whispered and shifted my body to be more comfortable.

He snorted, " You're lying in your own pool of blood because of me... in prison... because of me and you.. Missed me?" He asked in disbelief. " and they say I'm unstable." He grumbled. "You shouldn't have come looking for me, Alice..." He got up and walked out of the little cave, He slammed the cell closed and walked off leaving me alone.

He was angry... Probably more mad with himself. He was angry because I didn't just forget about him, He just thought so lowly of himself. I sighed deciding to fight this battle once I could actually stand without falling over.


After a few days I was able to sit up and walk here or there... Riddick didn't say much... He caught me if I fell but wouldn't help me get up. He wanted me to recover without help I suppose. I was finally feeling half of myself... I felt disgusted though, and I smelled disgusting.

I looked at the ratty looking people outside... They even looked better than me... MY once beautiful dress was torn, stained and nasty. My hair was ratty and knotted... I could tell he had tried to brush it with his finger... I was blood stained and Had crusty blood all over me...

I was staring out of the cell... I could see spots that had flowing water... I glanced to the back of the cave and there was water there as well... I glanced at a sleeping Riddick...

He leaned against the door to the cell, If anyone even moved the door he would wake up. I looked to see if anyone was nearby... no one ... I think Riddick had scared most of the people off.

Well... now if not ever... I went to the waterfall pulling my dress off to without whimpering too much... I hung the dress up over the bars like a curtain so at least people could see from outside... I pulled the second layer I had on underneath. It was a light tan tank top and a simple pair of cotton shorts. I am glad now more than ever that I wore the second layer. I thought I heard movement behind me but when I looked Riddick was still in the same spot unmoved with his eyes closed.

I turned back around and pulled my underwear and bra off. It washed the clothing as best as I could and then hung it up... with how hot it was it would take too long for it to dry. I got into the cold water and sighed... It felt good against my aching body and sore muscles. I kept my back to Riddick as I rinsed as much of the dirty, blood and everything off of my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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