Chapter 11: Stupid Googles

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I sat on a bench looking out the large glass window watching the stars shoot by, Sure it wasn't much to look at really. But it was the fact that I was in space... in a ship ... that this was a normal and real thing. I wasn't on earth and we aren't alone. While sure I've only seen other humanoid people that there were in fact aliens.

I shivered at the thought of those Raptor Pterodactyl things on the eclipsed planet we had just left. I was guessing that that wasn't too unheard of at least, there were probably plenty of planets just like that one.

I wonder what other animals existed? and was... was Riddick even a human? Like he was a man from... from what I could tell but he was so strong and I swear he could read my mind. I'd have to ask him at some point.

I stretched bringing my mind back to the ship, I felt nice and clean.. Riddick had managed to find me some clothes. Sadly they had been a little big on me but that was fine. It was clean and wasn't completely falling off.  It was a pair of tan baggy cargo pants tied at the waist as tight as it would go and an oversized black T-shirt.

I went over to my bag rummaging through it and started trying to brush through my knotted hair. It had been a while since I had actually been able to brush it, with the dirt, sweat and running my hair was in utter disgust. It was just hair but still...

As I was trying to brush my hair the door to the bathroom opened and a freshly showered and clothes Riddick stepped out. We both looked like new people to be honest. I grunted as I yanked the brush through a knot finally getting at least that one done.

He walked over to me and held his hand out, "let me have it."

I handed him the brush glancing at his head then into his eyes. I tried to fight a smile.

He rolled his eyes at me letting out a little chuckle, " It's not as if I've never had hair." He said it pulling me back down to the bench. He started brushing my hair and he was gentle for the most part.

I giggled a little, "So being bald is a choice you made?" I asked, being a little smart.

He growled a little, "Oh yes, honey, I was in prison and on the run, having hair can be dangerous." He whispered it into my ear.

I hmm, " What do you-" Suddenly I was yanked backwards and into Riddick's lap.

He simply stared down at me, waiting for me to react.

Tears stung at my eyes from the pain in my head but I nodded in understanding. "oh..." I said it in a shaky breath.

His mouth twitched slightly like he had upset himself, he leaned down wiping away a tear. "Tears get you nothing..." He said it in a low voice. I remembered the first time he had said that to me, but this time it sounded different.

I slowly sat up and turned my back to him so he could continue, "I'm sorry. I understand now." I whispered. I remained silent as he started to brush my hair again.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the silence and the gentle caress of my hair. No one had ever brushed my hair before it was something that i always saw in movie, I wish i could say that my mother or father had done it. But with my dad always being busy as a Doctor and my mom passing away I didn't get the chance.

It felt nice and I wondered, is this something that someone does when they care for you? It felt like it was something that should be ... but did he care that much?

" You're going to chew that lip off if you keep doing that." Riddick's voice was so soft that it caught me off guard.

I froze looking forward, seeing him looking at me in the reflection of the glass. I was in fact biting my lip. I stopped and looked down...

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