Chapter Four: Xisuma

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I swear the POV'S won't just be Xay and Xisuma for the entirety of RSTR-

WC: ~600 (normal RHAU wordcount, ay?)


"Then I'll do it," came Xisuma's reply. Hels raised an eyebrow.

"Woah woah woah, can we elaborate?" Xay sputtered.

"Admin magic," Hels said. "Is powerful energy that most Admins aren't even aware of. It's better than End and Nether magic, but it's also much harder to access."

"What are you gonna do, cut him open??" Xay asked.

"Not this time," Hels replied dryly. "I'm going to extract it. I might kill him in the process, but since he seems rather eager to get himself killed, I'm going to let all of you decide together."

Hels stepped back into his prison cell and sat at the corner, somehow conjuring a seemingly innocent and serene expression.

"Don't do it, 'Suma," was the first thing Xay said as the Hermits all turned back to face each other.

"We can't afford to lose you," Etho agreed. "We don't have a backup Admin, for a start."

"And we don't have a better friend and brother than you," Impulse added. "I don't know if you should do it or not, but I don't think we could function without you."

"It's- it's not up for debate," Xisuma said, his voice hard, minus the stutter. "I made a promise. To Grian. I'm not going back on him, and I'm not going to let him rot in the Void when there's something that I could do about it."

"Let's ask Grian," Mambo suggested, opening up the book. Using a pen, he scribbled in something, then waited. The book glowed, and Mumbo read aloud,

"Don't do it, 'Suma. The Hermits need you... if you die, I'll never forgive myself."

Xisuma took a deep breath, then exhaled, blowing out his tension and stress, leaving nothing but a lingering feeling of peace.

"Grian saved our server, he saved each and every one of us," Xisuma murmured. "He reunited me with my brother, he brought back our stolen Hermits. He gave us everything, despite how we treated him. I owe him my life."

"So I say... yes."

"I'm taking that as a decision," Hels noted, standing up. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Xisuma replied, facing him. Hels walked over to the group of Hermits and took the book from Mumbo, giving it to Xisuma to hold.

"Can't I do it instead?" Xay tried. "I mean, I sorta qualify as an Admin? I dropped out of Admin school after the first five months, but that's irrelevant."

"No," Hels sighed. "This is something Xisuma has to do. But I do need your help. It requires all three types of magic- Nether, End, and Admin. You're gonna supply End."

"I don't think I really want to do this," Xay mumbled, staring at Xisuma.

"Hey," Xisuma murmured, holding Xay's hands in his own. "It's okay." Xay blinked back tears, nodding slightly.

"If it helps," Hels spoke up. "Chances are, things won't go wrong."

"It doesn't help," Xay grumbled. "But... I guess let's do this anyway..."

Xisuma held the book, his grip on it tight. Red magic, flowing like fire, started pooling out of Hels's hands and into the book, and it was joined by purple Watcher magic from Xay.

Xisuma's senses started fading out, his vision blurring and growing darker, the words and phrases the Hermits were calling out to him becoming softer and softer, his feeling of the book in his hands fading out and becoming numb, and everything inside him seemingly covered with an endlessly thick fuzz.

The last thing he remembered was a scream, perhaps many screams, before everything he could register left him.

Ohhhhhhhh scud-


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