Chapter Eight: Grian

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Out of character for me, but this chapter is mostly just filler, to be quite frank- but it's still important so don't skip it, you piece of-

WC: ~1400


"I know I just called a meeting," Xisuma sighed, speaking to the group of Hermits. "But, once again, this is important."

The Hermits glanced around at each other, mounting expressions of confusion and worry on their faces.

"Xay, can you- wait," Xisuma looked at his brother. "Don't you have an entire race to lead?"

"Xexzi is in charge, currently," the Watcher replied dismissively. "She's great at this stuff, and she's my second in command. Don't worry about the Watchers, they're in good hands."

"Alright," Xisuma agreed. "Now, could you please explain your theory?"

"I think that Zena is infiltrating the server code," Xay didn't bother sugarcoating it, or trying to deliver warnings before the news, he just said it.

Which might've been the best idea, considering the Hermits just stood there in shock.

"She's not dead," Xay continued. "I've been feeling her in my mindspace, and... Grian was possessed by her."

"It was only for a second," Mumbo hurriedly added. "Three words, then she went away."

"That means that her power is weak," Xay supplied. "Or Grian's is strong. Honestly, both."

"Probably just mine being strong," Grian pointed out. "Because she was able to whisper into your mindspace, Xay, so she's gotta have some strength. And my mindspace was able to hold two people, so it's gotta be at least semi-solid."

"That," Xay agreed. "So basically. We're doomed."

"We're not doomed," Xisuma cut in. "We just need to take precautions."

"First precaution, eye color," Xay bounced off of Xisuma. "Watchers are the most likely to be possessed. So try and remember- my eyes are red, Xisuma's are indigo, and Grian's are violet. If you catch us with the wrong color, tell someone immediately. Try not to interact."

"If we switch mid-conversation," Xisuma added. "Then do whatever is necessary to trap us. Even if it means physical harm."

"If all three of us are possessed," Xay continued. "First try and trap us all, then go and get Xexzi. I've already told her what's going on, so she'll know. Oh- and her English isn't amazing, so be patient, please."

"That was a lot of information," Xisuma mumbled. "All at once. Uh- summary- don't die?"

"We just managed to get the entire server together," Xay pointed out. "Don't want any of you guys dying after all our hard work."

"Any questions?" Xisuma asked.

The room was silent, and Mumbo and Grian exchanged a glance.

"What's the second precaution?" Etho asked.

"Oh, we didn't get that far," Xay sighed. "You get one precaution."

"Can we get possessed?" Impulse pointed to himself and the other Hermits as he spoke.

"Good question," Xisuma sighed. "I don't have an answer."

Xay mumbled something, and Xisuma tilted his head at him.

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