A/N: Scudding Hell

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To put it bluntly, this wasn't really supposed to happen, was it?

I told so many people and said so many times "no sequel, sorry!".

Turns out, I lied.

You get eleven chapters, it's not long at all, but it's eleven more chapters than you had before, so shush.

That being said, one of my favorite things ever is to try and think like a reader and answer questions that I think are being asked!!

So let's get into that!


Yes, of course. Have you even met me, of course I added in Hex.

"Is Zena actually dead?"

Yes, she's gone. Dead. Xisuma killed her.

"Don't you feel like Grian became a bit of a side character in this-?"

My thoughts exactly. Whoops.

"pArT tHrEe?"

*throws a table at your head* nO-

"Was this actually supposed to be a Grumbo slowburn-"

Nah, it wasn't. Now I've written TWO accidental slowburns- Blood On Fire, which was not supposed to be a slowburn, and RHAU/RSTR, which managed to somehow blow up or smthin' and it was a scudding Grumbo slowburn book.

"Should've killed Zena with a berry bush."

I should've, yeah. Originally, Grian was supposed to kill Zena, then Xay, then Hels, then finally Xisuma. The Admin needs some revenge for Biffa and the rest of the Hermits.

"So... now what?"

Now, we bode RHAU and RSTR a final goodbye. It was fun while it lasted, and blazing moons, did it last a while!

RHAU was forty-four chapters and fifty parts, while this is eleven chapters and fifteen parts. That's FIFTY-FIVE chapters and SIXTY-FIVE parts!!

I would give you a wordcount, but unfortunately, RHAU has not been converted to Google Docs yet. However, RSTR was written on it (I'm writing on Docs right now!! In school!!), so the final, total wordcount for RSTR is around ten-thousand, three-hundred words!

But enough of my statistics.

Thank you all so much for reading. This journey has been absolutely insane, in the best way possible.

It started as a shower thought. A scudding shower thought. Then it got bigger and bigger and scudding hELL THAT'S A LOT OF VIEWS-

So, thank you. All of you.

*she pressed the fingertips of the two fingers against her right temple, guiding the two fingers down her jawline to her chin, before lifting them up and holding them in front of her. She then separated the fingers in the general sign for "two".*

Yeah. That. To you, the reader.

Sometimes, actions are more powerful than words.

And on that note, signing off for the last time in the Redemption series...

Thank you, and I'll see ya in the next story.


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