Chapter Four Point Five: Grian

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You've read RHAU. You know the deal with half-chapters. 

Let's go!

WC: ~400 (hey, it IS half a chapter!)


One second, the page that he had grown used to staring at lay in front of him.

The next second, he watched it rip apart, his only method of communication destroyed in front of him.

And then he woke up.

"Grian?" a voice, he couldn't place it in his haze, but it sounded familiar, called. "Grian!! Can you hear me? Nod if you can."

Grian blinked his eyes open, his vision turning clearer by the second.

A face, dark hair and a perfect mustache.

"Mumbo?" he whispered.

His vision blurred again, this time with tears as Mumbo crushed him in a hug, shaking with sobs.

"I've missed you so much," he breathed.

"But I was there the whole time," Grian pointed out, laughing softly. "Just... book."

"It's not the same," Mumbo chuckled.

"Yeah... it's not,"

"No, no no no!!" a new voice came into the picture. Xay's voice.

Grian watched wide eyed as Xay grabbed the shoulders of Xisuma's limp body, shaking the Admin furiously, his tears dripping down and spattering onto Xisuma's green armor.


"Xisuma, you idiot!" Xay screamed. "I told you, I said it wasn't a good idea, everyone told you not to sacrifice yourself, and you did. Why did you- how- you-" the rest of his words were cut off by a sob, and someone that looked similar to Wels, but darker in appearance, knelt down next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Xay grabbed his hand and ripped it away, whipping around to face him.

"You said that this wouldn't happen, Hels," Xay spat. "You said that he'd be okay!!"

"Statistically, he should've been," Hels mumbled, his voice mournful.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOUR STUPID STATISTICS???" Xay yelled, bringing a fist down to Hels's stomach. Hels grunted in pain, but didn't retaliate.

It wasn't really Xay's fault, so what was the point?

Time blurred into a mess, like a canvas with water spilled on it. A canvas, and in the center was green, and all around it was every color of the rainbow.

In the center was Xisuma.


Grian felt like he was fading in and out, dizzily registering nothing except for tears and screams, demands and accusations, fury and sadness, grief and shock, and all green and red.

"We brought back one Hermit," someone whispered. "But lost another in the process."

"And that Hermit that we lost just happened to be the center of it all."

*raises hands in surrender* please don't kill me-


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