chapter : 1

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paint on spring- martin smith

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"Come on now Kook, wake up bub.." Hoseok shook Jungkook, trying to wake the sleepy boy up.

A groan erupted from Jungkook, "Just two more minutes Hyung...", He slurred, immediately falling back asleep.

"Kookie it's 8 o'clock!!" Hoseok shouted as Jungkook was late for his work.

"What!? why didn't you wake me up before?" Jungkook threw the blanket off his body and ran. Stumbling on the chair, his eyes met the clock.

"Hobi Hyung!! It.Is.Not.Funny!" Jungkook put up a face as he noticed that it was only 7 o'clock and he had half an hour more. Hoseok just giggled as he sipped on his chocolate milk.

Jungkook and Hoseok were roommates, and this is a scene that you can see almost every day in their apartment.


"Hyung, is Jiminie coming back today?" Jungkook asked as he sipped on his morning coffee. He was missing his best friend badly, who left for Busan for a week to visit his parents.

"Yeah, he said that he would reach by 3 pm," Hoseok said, slurping up the last bit of his chocolate milk.

"What!? 3 pm? That's too late! Stop slurping!" Jungkook whined and shouted, irritated by the slurping sound.

"You better get going Kookie, it is 7:30 now." Hoseok chuckled, reminding Jungkook, just in case he had lost track of time.

"Yeah, Hyung. Bye!" Jungkook waved him goodbye as he finished tying his shoelaces. He wore a brown hoodie with a pair of white jeans with some casual white shoes.


The walk to the café was short because it was nearby. The barista just looked around as he walked. The light blue sky with small clouds looked beautiful and the streets slowly got filled.

"Good morning Jin Hyung!" Jungkook greeted Jin as he hugged him. "Good morning Kookie!" Jin laughed, greeting the younger with a similar tight hug.

Jungkook gave a big smile before getting to his work. He wore his apron, kept neatly folded in a box under the counter and started by cleaning the counters and the register. He then sorted out all the cash and finally turned on the machine. He smiled slightly at his co-worker before changing the closed sign to open, noticing that its time.


8:00 pm, it was almost time for them to close. It had been a long day for the barista that he couldn't wait to go back home.

"Hello! Welcome to Bangtan café! What would you like to have?" Jungkook asked without looking up from the register.

"Forgot me already? I was gone only for a week." Jimin whined with a pout.

"Jiminie!!" jungkook went around the counter and engulfed Jimin into a big hug. "What all happened in Busan?"

And that was the start of a lengthy conversation between the two friends. They walked their way back to Jungkook's apartment as they chatted nonstop.


"Ok then, I'm leaving Kook, bye hobi Hyung! see you!" Jimin bid farewell as he stepped out. And that's how Jungkook's day came to an end.


a/n: first chapter!! Hoping that you enjoyed this little chapter! Please vote, comment and share!

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