chapter : 4

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double update as an apology for the wait!

loveholic - leebada

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A week has passed since they all met up. Tae has become a regular customer at the café, he comes every day at 6 pm, just after his work at the weekly magazine. Every time he ordered tall strawberry milk and then would chat with Jungkook. They had become quite good friends by now.

Jungkook kept his growing feelings towards the older to himself, because he had low hopes of having a chance.

It was 6 pm now and Jungkook expected the older to come any time. So he munched on some freshly baked cookies as he waited.

"Waiting for someone Jungkookie~?" Jin teased, he had seen Taehyung visiting daily, added to that, Jimin had told him about everything; that shorty didn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

"Uh- I- you know..." Jungkook stammered, rubbing the back of his nape shyly.

"I know... I'm going on a date with Joon, so I'll be gone! See you, tomorrow Kook!" Jin waved goodbye.

"Have fun Hyung!" Jungkook smiled.


Jungkook checked the time, it was 7:30 pm now, half an hour till they closed and Taehyung had yet not come. The barista made himself busy by cleaning the counter, the cups and the machines.

The bell dinged,

"Sorry, we're closing soon," Jungkook said as he noticed the time being 8 pm.

He hadn't turned to look who it was, busy organizing the cups on the top shelf. Standing on his tippy toes, with his white hoodie riding up to expose his tiny waist, Jungkook looked utterly cute.

He heard some camera clicks and a deep voice that resonated through the café,

"Oh, that's too bad... I wanted to have a chitchat session with my friend with some banana milk."

Jungkook giggled at the voice, he could recognize it anywhere, deep as the ocean yet soft. He turned around to see Taehyung smiling.

"Oh! in that case, we could take one last order, sir! One banana milk and?" Jungkook asked with a cheeky smile, emphasizing the 'sir'.

"One tall strawberry milk too!" Taehyung played along.

Jungkook giggled as he turned to make the order, he heard more camera clicks. Was taehyung taking his pictures? He questioned in his mind, turning around to see the older doing the same.

"Ha! Caught you!" Jungkook said, squinting his eyes.

"Oops-- you looked too pretty for me to not take pictures..." Taehyung showed off his boxy smile.

What are you doing to my poor heart TaeTae...?

Jungkook thought as he blushed profusely, then picked up the drinks and walked up to their table.

"Sorry for being late Jungkookie, I had to take some night views for work..." Taehyung apologized as soon as they sat down.

"It's ok TaeTae..." Jungkook smiled cutely, sipping on his drink.

They chatted for a while more, after which Taehyung offered to walk the younger home. Jungkook nodded shyly, blushing yet again.

They walked together, the atmosphere was calm and silent, not an awkward silence but a comfortable one. Hands occasionally brushed against each other, both of them blushing every time. Having done with blushing, Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his. He squeezed it lightly, the butterflies in their stomachs were having a dance party by now.

Jungkook smiled at taehyung and returned the squeeze, assuring him that it was ok from his side to hold hands.

And they continued their walk, hand in hand with thoughts of each other flooding their minds.


annyeonghaseyo yeorobun!! i loved this chapter a lot, what about you?
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