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A day in our life


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life goes on - BTS

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻


A gentle breeze flew through the window, making the curtains put out light movements. Two bodies were tangled under the sheets, together in each other's warmth.

Jungkook slowly started waking up. He partially sat up on the bed as he rubbed his eye with his sweater paws.

Another body clung onto him with its head on his stomach which was previously on his chest. He slowly raked his hands through the soft black locks of the other male.

"Wake up Taehyungie... It's an important day for you." He softly stated, with his hands still continuing their movement.

Taehyung groaned, not wanting to wake up at all. But as Jungkook said it's a very important day for him.

Today is the start of his biggest project yet with a huge client from overseas. He can't afford to mess it up. So he woke up and fisted his eyes, trying to get used to the light.

"Good morning Koo." Taehyung greeted with a groggy voice.

"I'll just freshen up and get our breakfast ready. You have to leave at..." Jungkook paused for a while to check the time.

"Ah! You have to leave at eight. You too freshen up, your suit is kept in the clos- mm" Jungkook rambled on to be cut off with a kiss.

"I know baby. You don't have to fret yourself like this." Taehyung chuckled as he pulled out of their kiss.

"Ok then! Freshen up and I'll be in the kitchen," Jungkook said with a smile while getting up from the bed.


Jungkook stood on his tippy toes while fixing his husband's tie. He did some final touches to the latter's hair, parted to both sides in the middle. He placed a light kiss on Taehyung's lips and got down from his toes.

"And you're done." Jungkook giggled as he brushed off some dust from Taehyung's suit.

"Thank you, bun! I'll see you at the café!" Taehyung pecked Jungkook's cheeks and waved him goodbye.

Soon after, Jungkook left for the café. He was wearing a cream coloured crocheted top with matching cotton bottoms. He had recently got more tattoos but even with those, he looked pretty adorable.

"Ok! I've locked the door, I've got the keys, I've got my wallet. That's it." Jungkook mumbled to himself as he made sure everything was in place. He shoved the keys and wallet into his pant pocket and left for the café.


"Thank you for visiting! Do come again soon!" Jungkook said to the customer with a smile. It was the last customer and he started with the cleaning work.

He folded his apron and put it back in the basket, cleaned the counter and the billing machine and all other pieces of equipment. Finally, he waved goodbye to his co-workers and headed towards his husband, who was scrolling through his phone while sitting at his usual spot.

"Let's go?" Jungkook asked with a head tilt.

"Yeah! I've ordered some ramen, we've got soju at home, right?" Taehyung questioned, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, we've got three bottles, I guess," Jungkook replied with an unsure tone. They hadn't had ramen and soju in a while. 

"Ok then! Let's go." Taehyung said, dragging Jungkook outside the café.


"So... how did the meeting with the client go?" Jungkook asked while sipping on his drink.

"It went well! They were quite impressed and they said they'll give their answer today. Oh, wait-" Taehyung paused as his phone dinged with a notification.

"Oh my god! Yes! They've said yes to the project!!" Taehyung jumped in excitement.

Jungkook chuckled at the enthusiasm. His Taehyung was still the bubbly, energetic Taehyung when he first met him 6 years ago.

"Great job Taehyungie!!" Jungkook giggled with his nose scrunching up in delight. He hugged the older tight while placing feather-light kisses on the neck.

"Thank you, Koo!!" Taehyung beamed.

And they continued with their dinner, talking about their day and occasionally about Taehyung's project.


Taehyung leaned back onto Jungkook's chest as he sat in between the younger's legs. He grabbed Jungkook's hands and raked them through his own hair.

Jungkook giggled at the behaviour and let his hands move through the soft fluffy hair. He switched on some random movie on Netflix because he knew that they won't be focusing on the movie anyways.

He sniffed on Taehyung's hair and scrunched his nose.

"Your hair stinks Taehyungie!" Jungkook said with his nose still scrunched.

"Yah! I just washed it today!" Taehyung said in an offended tone.

"Well, it stinks anyway!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"You little!" Taehyung turned around and pushed Jungkook onto the couch. His hands made their way to the little one's tiny waist and started tickling him.

Jungkook giggled out loud as his cheeks dusted with a crimson red blush by now. His bunny smile was on full display to the older boy who was tickling him like there's no tomorrow.

And this was just a day in their life.




a/n: and that's it. now I'll be publishing the bonus chapters on the side characters and after that, I'll be working on my other books. thank you for all the support! lots of love <33

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