Christmas Special 🎄

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melt my heart - eric nam| play

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melt my heart - eric nam
| play. pause. repeat. |

"Wake up Taehyungie!" The younger one shouted into the other's ears, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Being Christmas, the little bunny was highly excited about presents and fun.

A low groan left from the said one, refusing to wake up. Pulling Jungkook into the bed with him, he locked him in his arms.

"It's so warm and comfy in here Koo, Let's just stay here," Taehyung mumbled, falling back asleep.

"No Taehyungie! Let's open our presents! Don't you want to see what I got for you?" Jungkook whined, pulling himself away from his husband's embrace.

"Fine; The things I do for you, I swear." Taehyung fisted his eyes, adjusting to the light.

"Now that's like my Taehyungie!" Jungkook giggled, pecking Taehyung multiple times before dragging him downstairs.

"Baby! Wait! I've to get something..." Taehyung freed himself from the hyped-up bunny's hold.

Jungkook huffed and pouted cutely, in a way asking the older to rush up. Taehyung chuckled, ruffling the latter's hair;  he rushed back into their room.

Soon he came back with his camera, and a wide, bright smile adorned his face,

"Now, while you open up your presents, I'll take plenty of pictures." Taehyung giggled, bouncing on his heels, equally excited as the younger one.

Jungkook sighed playfully; he has now gotten used to the constant photo taking. Most of them are still candid pictures because Taehyung says he looks prettier and more realistic when he isn't informed about the photos.

He opened up his first present, which was filled, with hoodies,

"Wow! Hobi Hyung is awesome! so many soft hoodies." Jungkook giggled, feeling the softness of the fabric.

"Tickets to the art festival!! Namjoon Hyung knows me very well!" Taehyung wiggled in his place, excited about the event.

"Two cartons of banana milk! When I say Jin Hyung is my second mom," Jungkook smiled widely, happy that he won't run out on his favourite drink for a while.

"A snow globe! Thank you, baby! This is so cute!" Taehyung smiled wide, holding the snow globe near his eyes to see a little bear inside.

"I'm happy you loved it! I made it myself!"
Jungkook proclaimed, proud of himself, flapping his sweater paws happily. His head gets a kiss in the process.

"Music albums!? Wow! Thank you so much!!! I love you!!" Jungkook threw himself onto Taehyung and smothered him in kisses.

The little giggles of excitement continued as they opened more presents from their friends and family.

"Now those were some awesome movies..." Jungkook let out a satisfied hum while leaning more onto Taehyung's chest.

Well, it is Christmas and what's Christmas without some movies?

So, both of the males were cuddled up in a comfy blanket on the couch and had now finished watching five movies.

"I'm hungry now," Taehyung stated, a rumble erupting from his stomach at the exact time.

"No Taehyung! You're not eating my cookies! They're for Hobi Hyung! You already had your share yesterday." Jungkook let out sternly with a knowing look.

Taehyung pouted at that but walked off to the kitchen. He then returned to the couch with something in his mouth.

"What're you eating? Give me some!" Jungkook giggled, which soon was replaced with a cute glare when a cookie got placed on his palm.

"If Hobi Hyung complains about fewer cookies, it's your fault," Jungkook grumbled, pouting with a mouth full of cookies.

Taehyung just grinned as he pecked his little boba ball's cheeks, only to get slapped on the chest. But hey! At least he got his cookie which tasted heavenly. No one needs to know that these are from his share of cookies.

"Which song should we sing next?" Taehyung asked as he surfed through all the karaokes on the karaoke app.

"This one! it has that Christmasy vibe to it!" Jungkook pointed to a song as he leaned closer to Taehyung.

They have been singing along to many different songs for the past one hour and have almost reached the end.

Jungkook jumped around, dancing and singing to the song while Taehyung stood in his place, doing weird poses as he sang.

"Don't just stand there, grandpa, c'mere and dance with me!" Jungkook giggled, gesturing to Taehyung to go near him.

"Now I'm grandpa?" Taehyung mused, now standing next to his husband.

"You're quite old, so..." Jungkook grinned as he ran around the couch, his fluffy hair bouncing in the process.

"Get back here!" Taehyung chuckled, running behind the little bunny who didn't seem to get tired.

"Wah!" Jungkook let out, bumping into Taehyung in the process. He looked up at the taller male to see that he was wiggling his eyebrows, in a way teasing him for his bitter luck.

"You're pretty cute, so I'll spare you for now," Taehyung said, leaning in for a sweet little kiss. Jungkook giggled; his cuteness works all the time.

"TaeTae..." Jungkook sighed happily as he lay on top of the shirtless male, wrapping his arms around the older one's shoulder and their legs tangled.

"Did my boba ball get washed up?" Taehyung asked, letting his hands get wrapped around Jungkook's waist.

Jungkook hummed to that, earning a kiss on the head. He was so tired after all the fun they had today and had just taken a shower.
Late-night cuddles are his favourite; you could say the same about Taehyung.

"You're very cute and edible, you know?" Taehyung said, softly biting on the little one's cheeks, only to get swatted away with a giggle.

"Donw bite mwy cheeks!" Jungkook grumbled, puffing out his cheeks. Taehyung chuckled, pecking Koo on the cheeks,

"I'm sorry, darling, you looked so soft that I couldn't help it. But you know I love having you like this, in my arms..." Taehyung said, rocking them slightly.

"I love you, Taehyungie," Jungkook mumbled, pressing kisses on Taehyung's collarbones.

"I love you more, angel." Taehyung smiled, raking his hands through the soft hair. And soon enough, they drifted off to a night of deep sleep.


a/n: hello everyone!! this book has gained quite some attention since it got over, and i can't thank you all enough for it! hopefully, y'all are doing amazing and thank you for reading!!

this is a little christmas gift as a thank you for 2k+ reads!

lots of love <33

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