chapter : 6

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basketball "date"

kabhi kabhi aditi- slowed and reverbed

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻

"Hyung, is this fine?" A nervous yet excited Jungkook asked his roommate.

He was getting ready to go for the basketball game with Taehyung. It was not a date, though he likes to think of it as one. He looked adorable right now, wearing an oversized black t-shirt with black sweatpants with a cute pout decorating his lips. He had asked Hoseok to help him dress up. He didn't want to look overdressed.

"Oh, my dear Kookie, you're just going to see him play basketball and maybe join him. It is not a date. This outfit is just fine." Hoseok chuckled at the nervousness of the younger.

"Hyungie!! You are not helping at all. fashion king-- my ass." Jungkook whined, rolling his eyes at the older.

Just then, the doorbell went off, and Jungkook ran up to the door in excitement but then stopped; He didn't want to look too eager. He slowly composed himself, took deep breaths and opened the door to reveal just the person he was waiting for, Kim Taehyung.

The older boy was wearing a long-sleeved crochet-like black top with the lightest of the brown pants. He looked drop-dead handsome with his newly permed hair falling to his eyes. Previously it was just wavy, but now it's just 'wow'.

Jungkook broke out of his trance when taehyung called him.

"Kookie!! Shall we go?" Taehyung asked like an excited ten-year-old kid. The younger giggled at that but, either way, nodded. They walked up to Taehyung's bike parked at a distance.

"Hop on!" Taehyung chimed. Jungkook gave a bunny-like smile as he sat behind Taehyung.

"Helmet?" Jungkook questioned.

"Oops- I forgot about that. I kept it at the doorway. Let me go get it!" Taehyung smiled sheepishly, rubbing his nape.

Soon enough, Taehyung returned with his helmet. He sat down and turned on the bike, accelerating it a bit, he was about to start driving when Jungkook popped another question,

"What about me? Don't I need a helmet?" Jungkook asked with a tilt of his head.

"You'll be safe with me... Just hold onto my waist." Taehyung winked.

A bright crimson blush spread along Jungkook's cheeks. He liked the idea of holding on to Taehyung. So, he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and smiled wide, exposing his bunny teeth.

The drive to the basketball court was short but distant while walking. It took fifteen minutes for them to reach. And the whole time, Jungkook stayed in the same position with his hands wrapped around Taehyung. His hair had gotten all messy due to the wind.

They entered the court. It was a pretty open place; it was fenced with white walls on three sides while kept open on the other. It wasn't necessarily a court; it didn't have any markings but only the basketball hoop. Six to seven balls were kept in a basket near one corner of the court.

Taehyung and Jungkook both picked up a ball and started with their game. They didn't go by the rules of basketball but just tried getting the ball in the hoop.

Jungkook was doing okay, he couldn't get continuous hoops but he wasn't that bad either. On the other hand, Taehyung kept on getting hoops after hoops, he was good at this.

"Fine. I accept it, you are good at this." Jungkook gave out a fake sigh after which he burst out giggling.

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook as he rolled up his sleeves. He shot one last hoop and picked up the balls.

"Wanna get something to eat?" he asked as he kept back the balls.

"Yeah," Jungkook said, genuinely hungry.

"Let's go to this ramen place. I heard it's good." Taehyung said to get an 'ok' as a reply.


"Wah! this is nice." Jungkook moaned at the delicious taste of the ramen as he slurped up the long ramen.

"I know! Wanna get take out or some?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his bowl.

"Yes! Hobi Hyung will surely love this!" Jungkook replied with his mouth full.

"Yah! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Taehyung playfully scolded, getting replied with a stuck-out tongue.


"See you later Taehyungie Hyungie Hyung!!" Jungkook waved with a wide smile. Taehyung gave out his boxy smile and waved back. They had a great time with each other and couldn't wait for meeting again


a/n: i've been into kdramas these days! and just started watching doom at your service. it is really good.

hope enjoyed this chapter! do vote, comment and share if you enjoyed! also, do follow me for more!

lots of love <33

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