Bonus : Hoseok

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life of hoseok


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confession- yesung (ft. exo's chanyeol)

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻


Hobi, after Jungkook moved out, felt a bit lonely. He was so accustomed to a little bunny running around the apartment that once it was gone he became all alone. He smiled and tried staying strong in front of the little boy but just after he left, he broke down.

It took some time but Hobi was finally used to Jungkook not being there. He didn't get any roommates after that. Not that he would want to replace Jungkook anyways.

He is now a partner of the dance studio which he started with Jimin. He is a teacher there as well. Every day he comes back home all sweaty and stinky, oh so ready to take a bath.

He was still single but had caught an interest in a girl who had applied in their studio for the position of a teacher. He did have a chance but he didn't want to rush it.


"So Hobi Oppa, am I selected for the position?" the girl asked. She was of the name Amii and was a girl aged at least twenty-six. She was a mature and modest girl, one of the major things Hobi noticed in her. And during the span of their meeting, both Hobi and Amii became quite close. That is the reason for her to call him Oppa.

"Yes, Amii. You are." Hobi smiled widely at Amii with his eyes crinkling along. He sipped on his chocolate milk as he gave heart eyes to Amii. Well, she also had a little crush on the older boy, but it was too early for them to be anything but friends.


a/n : only namjin bonus chapter is left! just got some time after finishing all my stuff. so here. hope you enjoyed! thank you for reading. do vote, comment and share if you did.
lots of love <33

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