chapter : 13

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Café delights


converse high- BTS

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"Baby Koo~" A whiny Taehyung started. He has been needing affection but Jungkook is busy serving the customers. He feels that his boyfriend values the customers more than him.

"KooKoo~" Taehyung whined again.

"What is it Taehyungie? You have been whining for half an hour by now!" Jungkook finally turned to the elder with an 'I'm done with his shit' face.

"I need love and affection! You haven't even spared me a glance since I came!" Taehyung pouted. He pouted hard with his lower lip jutting out and his cheeks getting puffed.

"Oh, my dear TaeTae, if I don't serve the customers' Jin Hyung will not be happy; you know what happens when he's angry." Jungkook reasoned with a sigh.

"Bu-but- you could've at least spared me a glance or- or.." Taehyung trailed off.

Jungkook chuckled at the state of his clingy boyfriend. Either way, he needs a break. So he washed his hands and walked around the counter towards Taehyung while wiping them.

Cupping the - then pouty- now giggly face of his boyfriend, he peppered kisses all over Taehyung's face. Taehyung almost let out a squeal. Keyword: almost.

"Satisfied?" Jungkook asked a blushing Taehyung.

"No. I want one here too!" Taehyung pointed at his lips. Before jungkook could reply or even comply with his wish, the bell tinged, revealing the whole rest of the squad.

"Stupidos." Taehyung mumbled under his breath as he rolled his eyes. Jungkook giggled as he turned to greet them all.

"Hi, Hyungiesss!!" Jungkook squealed while extending the 's' sound.

"Hi, Kookieee!!" They all singsonged as they buried Jungkook in a bone-crushing hug.

"Ahem- Hi everyone." Taehyung cleared his throat.

"Hi, Tae!!" Jimin smiled wide while crushing Taehyung in a hug.

"God, Jimin!! You're sweaty and stinky!" Taehyung pushed Jimin away with his face scrunching in disgust at the smell. Jimin smiled evilly only to get smacked on the head by his Jin Hyung.

"Yah! Stop bickering, will you?" Jin scolded playfully.

"Nope!" Jimin smiled innocently.

"Yah!!" Jin twisted Jimin's ears.

"Ouuuu!! Hobi Hyung is stinky as well! Go twist his ears too!" Jimin's sound echoed in the café.

"What did I do?" Hobi pouted to receive chuckles from the rest of the group. He was always clueless about everything.

"And we have finished recording my part in our rap duet!" Namjoon took a sip of his matcha tea, talking about his and Yoongi's album.

"Raaaap Monstaaa~~" Jungkook giggled.

"I-" Namjoon started but couldn't get anything out of his mouth. He chuckled as he shook his head at the youngest's behaviour. He was used to it by now.

"Shall we go on a trip sometime? Like all of us?" Jin suggested after a long silence.

"Yes!!" Hobi beamed at the name of 'trip'.

And they went on discussing the trip, bickering and giggling every two seconds.


a/n: new chapter! thank you for reading! do vote, comment and share if you enjoyed! new updates coming soon! lots of love <33

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