chapter : 9

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A dance in the rain

jashn-e-bahara [slowed and reverbed]

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻

He could get lost in those features; even when the boy is doing nothing or maybe just making the order for a customer, he managed to look the prettiest, most ethereal person to exist.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" The slightly raised voice echoed through the almost empty café.

"Huh? ah! What is it Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked, abruptly brought out of his dream world.

"Stop staring at me! I can't focus." The last part came out as a mumble,

"Why? Why can't I stare at my bunny? Also, if you can't focus, then don't; Put all your attention on me." Taehyung stated with a cheeky smile, resting his head on his palms.

"Yah!" Jungkook came near Taehyung and twisted his ears lightly.

"Ou-ou-ou- stop!" Taehyung winced in pain; actually, it didn't pain he just had other plans.

"Oh no... did it hurt that bad? I'm sorry." Jungkook pouted, thinking that he hurt his TaeTae.

"Maybe you could kiss me better," Taehyung stated with a smirk.

"This man will never learn!" Jungkook sighed as he proceeded to comply with his boyfriend's wish; a big fat smooch was placed on Taehyung's lips.

And, of course, Taehyung is a greedy fellow, so he deepened the kiss.

After a while, they pulled out. Taehyung just smiled so innocently as if he hadn't just tricked his boyfriend into giving him more than what was promised.

"I hate you!" Jungkook huffed, returning to the counter as he saw customers coming.

"I love you too baby!" Taehyung smirked.


They were walking back to Jungkook's place when it suddenly started raining heavily. Jungkook tried pulling Taehyung into the nearest shelter but he couldn't.

"Taehyungie, you'll fall sick. Come here." Jungkook pleaded as he tried pulling.

"You can go, baby. Lemme have some fun!" There came the pout. Now, who could say no to his pout?

"A no is a no Taehyungie! I don't want you to fall ill--" Jungkook couldn't even finish his scolding when Taehyung shut him with a kiss.

"Dance with me, will you please?"

"Uh-I-yea..." Jungkook was so lost in those love-filled, hazel eyes that he completely forgot about falling ill.

And they danced; as if in a royal ball, in the middle of the streets during the rain. They got some stares, of course; The society is so judgemental that they don't even let couples dance. They also got some coos, but they had no care about the world, just each other.

"Yah! this ain't a K-drama! You'll fall ill! Come with me!" Jungkook suddenly came out of their little world and pulled Taehyung by his arm. The older boy let out a dramatic sigh as he increased his pace to keep up with the younger.


Jungkook was all dry by now. He took out a towel and proceeded to dry Taehyung's hair as well.

"You'll fall ill now! I told you to dry yourself up the moment we reached home, but no! You need me to dry your hair!" Jungkook scolded his boyfriend. But it was of no use; the older boy just clung onto his waist, nuzzling his cheeks while letting out satisfied hums.

"What do I do with you TaeTae?"

Taehyung didn't reply but smiled sheepishly. He couldn't even start being cheesy when a loud noise erupted from him.


"Kim Taehyung!!"


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