chapter : 12

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Missing you so bad


coffee- BTS

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"Hair looks nice, I don't look too bad. Oh god! I smell! Ugh! But he's not going to know. Anything else? Nah~" Taehyung checked himself out one last time in his phone camera.

Well, the thing is that he had gone to Japan with his teammates for a special photoshoot for a week, and now it was time for his daily dose of Koo. It was only a video call with his boyfriend, but he likes to call it the other way.

"Hello, Taehyungie!!" There came the sweet voice he's been craving to hear since the start of his day.

"Hey, Koo!! How was your day?" Taehyung asked with a wide smile. He looked like an eight-year-old who got his chocolates.

"It was fine, Tae. Just the daily stuff; a lot of customers. What about you??" Jungkook giggled with a sigh.

"Mine was great! I saw and took pictures of Mount Fuji! It was so pretty Koo! We will have to come here sometime, ok?" Taehyung talked about his day like a little kid, his eyes crinkling when talking about the beauty of the place.

"I miss you Taehyungie..." Jungkook said out of the blue.

"You di- Oh... I miss you too, Kookie. I'll come back tomorrow though!" Taehyung's pout soon turned into a wide smile.

"Huh? Weren't you supposed to come two days later?" Jungkook asked, all confused.

"Ah! About that, our photoshoot ended today. So we will be returning tomorrow. I'll probably reach by noon." Taehyung reasoned.

"Yay!! I'm so happy~" Jungkook's giggles echoed through Taehyung's phone. The older boy smiled fondly, he loved to be the reason for his Jungkook's smiles and giggles.

"Wait, you didn't take a bath, did you?" Jungkook asked with squinted eyes as he leaned a bit forward.

"No- I mean- How did you know?" Taehyung was just blown away that Jungkook found it out.

"You were wearing the same clothes yesterday, and also your hair doesn't look washed, so I made an assumption. Turns out my dear boyfriend didn't take a shower..." Jungkook sighed dramatically, while Taehyung smiled innocently.

"Go, take a shower. I'll call you later." Jungkook said, about to hang up.

"No!! Please don't go now,  can I get some kisses?" Taehyung whined with a pout and a small smile creeping up to his lips.

"How am I supposed to give you kisses when you're miles away from me?" Jungkook looked done with his silly boyfriend.

"Just kiss on your phone camera and I'll consider it as if you kissed me," Taehyung said with a grin.

Jungkook just shook his head before complying with his boyfriend's silly wish. Even though he acted as if he was done with Taehyung, he loved when the older acted all silly and cheesy.

As their call went on, they talked and talked for hours- Taehyung's bath being completely forgotten. And in the middle of all this, one thing's for sure- they both missed the other deeply.


a/n: new chapter!! thank you for reading!! do vote, comment and share!! also, check out my other books and follow for more!!

lots of love <33

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