chapter : 5

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a/n: my exams are finally over! stay tuned for more updates!
also, the songs that I suggest are just the ones I listen to while writing.
it is in no way related to the story...


mast magan [slowed and reverbed]

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻


The barista was feeling very happy that day. Why? Well, the group has planned to go to the mall. And the best thing to him was that Taehyung was also coming. The older had got to know about the rest of the group two or three days after the four of them had met up, and in this short period, he had become the biggest fan of Namjoon and his rapping skills.


The seven entered the best place in the mall, the games. It wasn't the biggest yet was the best in town, and of course, it had a huge crowd. A mixed scent filled the place. They all looked around to see various games and small rides for kids. Now, they wanted to go on those rides, but to their utter luck, they were grown-ass men.

"Jiminie," Yoongi started, earning a hum from the said male. "I think you can go on the rides." Yoongi wiggled his eyebrow with a teasing smile decorating his lips.

"Huh? YOU! STUPID CAT! Don't forget that you are THE SAME HEIGHT as me! Get back here!" Jimin raised his voice slightly and went after Yoongi, who had just disappeared into thin air. The rest of them were used to the daily bickering of the two by now.

Hobi and Jungkook went to a two-player game where they had to kill all the zombies. They were pretty good at it and tickets kept pouring out of the machine.

Jin straight up went to the car racing games and inserted the coins. He then sat up straight on the fake car seat. Though he wasn't the best at it, he wasn't the worst, he reached 19th position on the first try. But then in the second round, he got the 2nd position, he only got better at the game.

Namjoon was at the claw machine and had already got a bag of chocolates and two packets of chips. He almost ripped the chip bag, trying to open it; typical Namjoon.

Jimin was at the whack-a-mole, accompanied by Jin.

"Jimin-ah you have to hit harder to get more points!" Jin joked, but Jimin took it seriously and started to hit harder. Jin burst out into a fit of laughter.

"You better not be laughing, Hyung!" Jimin glared cutely at Jin as he tried to contain his laugh.

Yoongi and Taehyung were at the basketball game, Yoongi had set the high score of 230 and Taehyung was trying to beat it. He groaned when he missed a basket and lost a point, his chances were over and he scored a 180.

Yoongi laughed at the sight of taehyung stomping his feet out of frustration like a little kid. Taehyung started to do it again, but then Jungkook came along, he got distracted, to be honest. Sparing a glance at the younger was not the best decision and now the ball had got to the top of the machine.

"Oh, my dear Taehyungie!" Jungkook sighed as he giggled. Taehyung was in a daze, smiling like an idiot at the sight of Jungkook's giggles.

Cute button nose all scrunched up, round head thrown back, baby pink blush dusting his cheeks, half-closed eyes, exposed bunny smile with the upper lip disappearing. Ah, such an endearing sight.

He was brought back to reality when Yoongi nudged him, giving him a teasing look. He just stuck out his tongue, and both of them broke into laughter.

"You are not good at basketball TaeTae..." Jungkook chuckled,

"I am good at it! Ok? It's because this is indoor basketball! I can show you outdoor basketball!"

Taehyung inhaled a deep breath and exhaled sharply, his eyes squinting at Jungkook.

"If you say so Hyungie..." Jungkook rubbed Tae's arm in a fake soothing way though it felt calming for the latter.

"Maybe I can show you tomorrow?" Taehyung questioned, breaking the silence,

"Who is showing what?" Hobi asked, clueless about the situation

"Taehyungie here wants to show that he is good at basketball," Jungkook said, giggling.

"Oh!" Hobi, Jimin, Jin and Namjoon said in unison with little chuckles.

They stayed for a while more after returning home. Jungkook was even more excited that he would get to see his Taehyungie Hyungie Hyung tomorrow too! He accidentally let out a squeal which got heard by hobi,

Now he was in for teasing from his roommate.


a/n: yay! one more chapter is done!! hope you all enjoyed it! thank you for reading!!

do vote, comment and share if you enjoyed it!! more updates coming soon!!


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