chapter : 3

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sorry for the wait!

hibye- suran

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"Sir, here's your order!" Jungkook delivered the caramel macchiato to the customer with a smile. Customer service ethics were something he was good at doing. Jin has always praised him for the same.

As he waited for another order, his mind travelled, travelled back to the handsome young man who had visited the other day.

What was his name again...? Jungkook thought, his face making a thinking face out of reflex.

Aah! Kim Taehyung! Such a handsome name. He dreamed on until the doorbell tinged, signalling the arrival of new customers.

He looked up to see Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung. Wait, Taehyung!?

"Hello, Jungkookie!" Jimin went up and hugged jungkook over the counter. "Hey, Kooks!" Yoongi waved while Taehyung just smiled cheekily.

"Hi, Yoongi Hyung H-hi taehyung." Jungkook greeted them, mentally cursing himself for stuttering.

"You know him?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows while questioning.

"Yeah, he had c-come here before for strawberry milk," Jungkook replied as he stuttered again. He spared a glance at Taehyung, who smiled innocently.

Whilst Jimin smirked. He knew very well about Jungkook's fantasies. He nudged him slightly, now that Jungkook was standing next to him. The younger pinched Jimin, causing him to yelp out of pain.

"Oww! Kookie hurts." Jimin rubbed the area. Yoongi chuckled, knowing something was going on between the two best friends.

"Ok then, let's skip introductions! Kookie, could you get me an americano? Tae, anything?" Yoongi turned to Taehyung.

"You know my order, Kookie~" Taehyung teased. Jungkook just scrunched his face cutely as he glared at the older male. He tried his best to hide the blush by doing so, though he failed miserably.

"Get me a hot choco too!!" Jimin said with a slightly higher voice. "Ok Jiminssi!" Jungkook replied from behind the counter.


Now they were all sitting at a table for four. Taehyung and Jungkook faced each other, while Yoongi and Jimin faced each other.

Jimin and taehyung got together very well like long-lost soulmates. Their age similarity also helped a lot.

Meanwhile, Jungkook sat and sipped on his banana milk, observing and noting things about Taehyung.

He learned that Taehyung was a photographer from Daegu who had moved into Seoul. Yoongi and taehyung were childhood friends who were neighbours.

A cheery and lively person, Jungkook concluded his observation on Taehyung. And after learning some more basic facts about the older, Jungkook confirmed that he had a teeny weeny crush on the Greek god sitting in front of him.


The new chapter's up!
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Lots Of Love <33
stay safe - stay happy!


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