chapter : 11

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Moving and unpacking

_____________________seoul - RM -

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seoul - RM -

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻

Saying goodbye is quite hard, especially when much of your adulting memories are attached to that place. Also, when you have a wonderful roommate to whom you'll have to say goodbye-- It's difficult.

Not that Jungkook was moving to another country or anything. He and Taehyung were moving in together to a different street than their previous ones- It was some progress after a year of dating.

"Goodbye, Hobi Hyung..." Jungkook almost teared up.

"Kookie, You are just going three streets away. And it's not like I'm not going to see you again. Silly jungkookie! There's no need to cry." Hobi laughed as he ruffled the younger one's hair.

"But still! I'm going to miss you... I'll still come for fashion advice when I have to go on dates or something. Ok? You should visit me too!" Jungkook said with a pout while wiping his tears.

"Ok! You can come anytime! And no worries, I'll visit you too..." Hobi smiled wide at Jungkook's cuteness.

"Shall we go, Kookie?" Taehyung asked while leaning on the doorframe.

"Yeah..." Jungkook sighed.

"Bye, Hobi Hyung! We'll see you tomorrow!!" Taehyung waved.

"Tomorrow?" Jungkook questioned while raising his eyebrows.

"We'll see him at the café; He comes there every day! Did my baby forget everything?" Taehyung teased.

"Ah! I didn't forget anything!" Jungkook hit his boyfriend's chest as he glared.

"Oh! Our things have already reached!" Jungkook's mouth made an 'o' shape as he stated.

"Yeah. Jimin will be there, he had told them the address because I forgot to," Taehyung sheepishly smiled while rubbing his nape. Jungkook just shook his head at the older's silliness.

"Jimin-ssiii!!!" Jungkook ran to the said male.

"Jungkookieeeee!!!" Jimin too, sang in a similar tone as he got engulfed in a big hug.

"Ahem- I'm here too." Yoongi cleared his throat to gain attention.

"Yoongi Hyung!!!!!" Jungkook giggled as he proceeded to hug Yoongi as well.

"Yah! I didn't ask for a hug. I just wanted you to acknowledge my existence," Yoongi said while chuckling.

"You like hugs, Yoonie. Don't lie." Jimin rolled his eyes at his boyfriend.

Yes. Boyfriend. Quite a progress from glaring down everyone who approached the other.

Yoongi didn't have any reply to that, so he shut himself up.

"Ok then, we'll get going! All the boxes are in the living room, the furniture will be coming in an hour or so. And here are the keys. Have fun unpacking!" Jimin said as he handed them the keys.

"Thanks, Jiminie!" Taehyung smiled. Jimin smiled back as he left along with Yoongi.

"Shall we start, Hyung?" Jungkook asked with his hands on his hip.

"Yeah, This will take a heck of a lot of time." Taehyung took in a deep breath as he exhaled with a sigh.

"What's this?" Jungkook pulled out an album from one of the boxes.

"It's just an album. No need to go through it." Taehyung shook his head no as he eyed the album. But it was of no use. Jungkook had already opened it.

"Wait, is this an album of us?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

"Heh- Yeah. It's all the photos we took. It has more photos of you though." Taehyung smiled awkwardly.

"I love it! But wait, when did you take this picture?" Jungkook showed a picture of him laughing in the middle of their café.

"I just took it because you looked pretty," Taehyung said with a pout.

"At least warn me before taking pictures, Hyung." Jungkook chuckled.

"I'll think about that." Taehyung said in a tone that clearly meant a 'no'.

"And we're done!" Taehyung sighed out loud while falling onto their new comfy couch with a thump.

Soon enough Jungkook joined him too. And they lay there for a while without talking."Can we order takeout? I don't wanna cook!" Jungkook pleaded.

"Yeah, I don't know how to cook anyway. I may even burn the kitchen down." Taehyung chuckled.

"Chinese?" Taehyung asked with a raise of his eyebrows while ordering their food.

"Yeah! Chinese." Jungkook nodded.

"From where is this?" Jungkook asked with his mouth full.

"I don't remember, just ordered from a random restaurant," Taehyung said; His goldfish memory wasn't helping at all.

"You have something here." Jungkook pointed at the left corner of the elder's lips. Taehyung wiped everywhere but that point.

"Oh, my dear TaeTae!" Jungkook himself had to wipe it away as he leaned forward from his chair.

Taehyung just smiled out wide. Living together was not bad at all; he liked it. And you could say the same with jungkook.


a/n: there will be major time skips from now on. i'll mention it in the chapter, but yeah. hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. please do vote, comment and share if you did. also follow me for more. thanks for reading!!

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