chapter : 2

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hold you tight - chen

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻


The bell tinged, notifying Jungkook about the arrival of a new customer. He looked up from the register to see a man in his 20s with a camera slinging around his neck. Quite tall, fluffy hair, handsome and warm looking. In simpler words, Jungkook was staring.

Jungkook snapped out of his mind when the man closed the door.

"Hello! Welcome to Bangtan café! what would you like to have?" Jungkook asked as he entered a new order.

"One tall strawberry milk, please." the man replied. Jungkook was taken aback by the man's deep voice. he continued with the order, "Name?"

"Kim Taehyung," he replied.

Jungkook handed the bill after he collected the cash. He blushed lightly when their fingers brushed for one microsecond. The barista cursed himself for blushing with physical contact with a total stranger. He turned around and started making the order.


"Thank you, Jungkook." Taehyung thanked him as he collected his drink. Jungkook blinked.

Do I know him? He thought.

"Your name tag, silly" Taehyung chuckled with a deep voice. Jungkook embarrassedly smiled while screeching internally,

sir, you're going to kill me with that deep ass voice of yours!


"My god Jiminie!! He had such a deep voice, so tall and handsome!!" jungkook blabbered about the hot customer to his best friend through the phone.

"Oo~ Jungkookie is in love~~" Jimin teased as he singsonged.

"I-uh-" Jungkook stammered as his mind filled with pictures of Taehyung. "Maybe I have a teeny tiny crush..?" he asked, his face scrunching along with his giggles.

"My little Jungkookie has grown... Anyways Yoongi Hyung's best friend has come from Daegu today. Hyung said we could meet up tomorrow at your café. How does that sound?" Jimin asked, excited to see this unknown best friend of his Yoongi Hyung.

"Ok, sure... Guess I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook said, hanging up the phone. He didn't bother to wait for Jimin to say anything, don't go after him for it! That's just how their friendship is.


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