chapter : 14

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Popping the question


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paper hearts - [jungkook cover]

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻


"Where are we going, TaeTae? Our home is the other way?" A confused Jungkook asked Taehyung.

They had just had their dinner from the ramen shop. And now, instead of taking the turn back to their home, Taehyung had taken the opposite.

"It's a surprise, Kookie." Taehyung smiled.

"You know that I'm not fond of surprises." Jungkook huffed. It's true, Taehyung knew that Jungkook wasn't a fan of surprises, but what he was about to do cannot be anything but a surprise.

"I know love, just some more time and you can see it for yourself." Taehyung tried reasoning- though it didn't affect the younger male.


"And we're here!" Taehyung smiled as he walked Jungkook to the top of a small hill."What's the surprise?" Jungkook asked impatiently.

"Lay down with me." Taehyung patted his side while he laid down.

Jungkook looked confused but did as told. He looked at Taehyung, blinking his eyes in confusion.

"Now, look up at the sky instead of my handsome face." Taehyung teased.

Jungkook hit Taehyung's chest playfully and looked up at the sky. He stared in awe; it was a pretty sight of thousands of billions of stars scattered all over the sky and a full moon shining ever so brightly in almost the centre.

"Wah! This is so pretty!" Jungkook smiled wide in awe.

"Very pretty indeed." Taehyung agreed- even though he referred to the ethereal beauty laying next to him.

And they lay there for a while after which Jungkook decided to sit up with his legs crossed. Taehyung sat up as well; he hadn't given the real surprise yet.

"Um- Jungoogie..." He started, earning a hum from the said male.

"Uh- How do I say this?" He mumbled to himself.

"Is everything ok, Taehyungie?" Jungkook asked, concerned after the sudden change in his boyfriend's behaviour.

"Y-yeah. Everything's f-fine." Taehyung said while cursing himself mentally for concerning his boyfriend for nothing.

"Ok- here goes nothing. You can do it, Taehyung!! Fighting!!" He whispered to himself as he took a few deep breaths.

"Jungkookie, the past three-- no, four years, including the time I spent crushing on you, was the best years of my life. You have made me smile even on my worst days and, I- I want it to be like this for the rest of my life." Taehyung said in one breath.

Jungkook was slowly catching up on where this was going. He was tearing up.

"I know it's selfish of me to think like this but, I don't want anyone else to be yours. I want to be with you forever, and I'd love to wake up with you in my arms, hear your giggles and rants every day, sleep with you and even-" He paused for a while.

"-die with you. I want everything that is left in my life to be connected to you, so my dear Jeon Jungkook, will you be mine forever and be my Kim Jungkook?" Taehyung completed his proposal as he teared up at his own words.

No words could explain what Jungkook was feeling right at that moment. Perhaps it was euphoric, or maybe ecstatic but, he didn't know, for he couldn't explain.

All he could do was nod vigorously as he covered his mouth with his palms, his welled up happy tears falling in the process.

"Yes- I'll be yours, your Kim Jungkook- forever..." Jungkook let out choked words in between his sobs.

Taehyung fished out a small black box from his hoodie pocket and opened it to reveal a pretty silver ring with a small diamond on it. On the inside, it had KTH engraved on it.

Jungkook couldn't help but sob harder at the engraved words. He wore the pretty ring. But then, his little bunny head had a question. Even though he hesitated at first, he decided to ask his question anyway.

"D-do you have one with my initials engraved on it?"

Taehyung smiled at that. He pulled that out as well. A similar ring with JJK engraved on the inside. He wore it on his finger and showed it to his boyf-- Fiancé.

"I love you Taehyungie Hyung! So so much that I can't put it into words." Jungkook cried.

"I love you more baby..." Taehyung kissed his bunny to be returned with a similar love-filled kiss.

And they sat there with no words exchanged, but they knew whatever the other had in their mind- for they were meant to be.


a/n: my emotional self couldn't even handle my own writing T-T
only one chapter and epilogue is left which I'll publish soon. thank for reading! hope you enjoyed it! do vote, comment and share if you did. also, try reading my other books as well!
lots of love <33

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