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(Y/n) drove back home. He had spent the night with Cassie watching movies and needed to get his school stuff. Once he arrived at his apartment building he got in the elevator and pressed the button for the penthouse.

(Y/n) got out of the elevator and walked into the apartment before spotting Spider-Man standing in the kitchen eating a sandwich with his mask half pulled up. "Did you really break into my apartment and take my food?"

"Well I figured you wouldn't mind. Take it as compensation for you almost killing spider-girl" Spider-Man replied with a shrug as he took another bite of his sandwich.

"She told you who I was then?" (Y/n) asked as he walked over to the refrigerator and took a bottle of chocolate milk.

"She said you're the black cats son" Peter replied with a shrug. "She wouldn't tell me anything else though"

"At least she knows how to keep her mouth shut" (y/n) muttered before taking a sip of his chocolate milk.

"Who's your father?" Peter asked as he looked at the boy.

"Do you really need to know?" (Y/n) asked as he shook his head.

"I suppose not" Peter said with a shrug. "What's with the me cosplay? Felicia decide on your outfit?"

"Yup" (y/n) lied as he shrugged. He wasn't about to tell Peter that the real reason was because he was his son.

"I'm taking you in" Peter said as he walked over to the boy.

"You take me in I tell everyone who you are under the mask" (y/n) said with a serious look in his eyes.

"You don't know me"

"Don't I? Parker. My mom and you dated and you're Spider-Man, did you really think she wouldn't tell her son? This was the insurance plan in case you found out about me being a criminal" (Y/n) said as he walked over to the living room and grabbed his backpack. "You don't bring me in, I won't tell anyone about you. Same goes for Anya and Cindy. And as a bonus I won't kill them... yet" the boy finished as he walked out the door.

Half an hour later

(Y/n) parked in front of the school before walking up to Cassie and the rest of her usual friend group who had been waiting for him. "Morning" he said as he got out.

"You're in a much better mood than yesterday" America said as she turned to the boy.

"Of course I am. I couldn't rob you of my joyful presence for two days in a row. I know you love me to much babe" (y/n) replied with a wink as Cassie huffed while America just rolled her eyes. "Oh calm down" (y/n) said to Cassie before quickly kissing her forehead.

America laughed a bit at Cassie as she watched the girl try to hide her blush by looking down at the ground.

"Let's head to class" (y/n) said to Cassie before grabbing her arm and pulling her as he started walking.

"Bye guys" Cassie said with a smile as she waved at her friends while walking off with (y/n).

Lunch time

America sat with Billy as they waited for (y/n) and Cassie to show up. "Do you think those two are together?" Billy asked out of nowhere causing America to look up at him. "I mean after this morning I'm curious" he explained.

"Nah, he's just a flirt. And he doesn't seem to me like the type to ever be exclusively with one girl" America replied with a shrug. "He's nice but he's not exactly a good person"

"We barely know him, you shouldn't be judging him this quickly. We should get to know him first" Billy responded with a small frown. "Cassie likes him so I'm sure he's a good person"

"Cassie likes everybody" America replied with a smirk. "You know that"

"You know that's not what I meant. she obviously like likes him" Billy retorted.

"Maybe Cassie just likes bad boys" America said with a shrug. "It would hardly be the most surprising thing about her"

"I suppose so" Billy replied with a shrug. "Speaking of them where are they? They're usually eating with us by now"

"Who knows" America replied with a shrug.

Same time, elsewhere

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Cassie asked as she looked over at (y/n) who was Standing beside her.

"It'll be fine" (y/n) replied with a smirk. "When have I ever lied to you? Just be ready to run afterwards"

After school

"So anyways we got suspended" Cassie said with a sigh as she looked down, refusing to make eye contact with Billy or America.

"He's a bad influence on you Cassie" America said as she looked down at her friend. "You sure he's a good person for you to be hanging around?"

"He's fine" Cassie replied as she crossed her arms. "Stop worrying about me"

"You got suspended" Billy replied as he also crossed his arms. "You've never been suspended. You're supposed to be little miss perfect"

"Look I'm telling you it's fine! Nothing to worry about!" Cassie yelled at the two causing them to instantly shut up. They had never heard Cassie yell before. "Stop worrying about me. If I choose to hang out with someone like (y/n) then it's my business, not yours"

Cassie then walked off ignoring her friends as they called for her to come back. "You alright? You look pissed" a voice said. Cassie looked up and saw (y/n) standing in front of her.

"I'm fine" Cassie replied with a sigh. "Can you drive me home?"

"Yeah sure" (y/n) replied as he nodded.

Half an hour later

"Here we are" (y/n) said as he pulled up in front of the girls house.

"Thanks (y/n)" Cassie said before quickly kissing the boy. "You want to come in?"

"Nah I can't babe. maybe tomorrow though" (y/n) replied before Cassie got out of the car and walked away.

(Y/n) drove for another block before parking and walking into an alleyway. "I know you've been following me. What do you want?"

"Just to talk" a voice came before spider-girl walked out of the shadows. "Please" she was wearing a new costume.

 "Please" she was wearing a new costume

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"No, now leave me alone. I almost to killed you once and I'm not scared to finish the job" (y/n) replied angrily.

"Just one minute?"anya asked as she walked up to the boy and put her hand on his shoulder.

(Y/n) quickly grabbed the girls hand before pulling it off of him and throwing her into the wall. "I'm not just going to forgive you Anya! This isn't some shitty fan fiction. You arrested my mother!" (Y/n) yelled before punching the girl in the stomach.

Anya coughed a bit. She still hadn't fully recovered from the last fight they had. "I'm not giving up on you" she said as she looked into the boys eyes.

"Then you'll die" (y/n) replied before punching the girl again before getting back in his car and driving away.

Word count: 1212

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