Lord Of The Hidden Jungle Part 3

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(Sorry if it isn't great. I still can't think straight because of COVID)

"You promised me Spider-Man!" Kraven growled as he looked at the Pterodactyl man. "Not some child. Maybe I should just hunt you like I originally planned instead"

"Believe me this child is the new Spider-Man" Sauron replied with a shrug

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"Believe me this child is the new Spider-Man" Sauron replied with a shrug. "You couldn't take me down even if you tried"

(I'm using this photo because everyone should see it at some point)

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(I'm using this photo because everyone should see it at some point)

Kraven raised his spear and was about to strike the dinosaur man. Sauron stared into Kravens eyes. "You won't attack me"

"I won't attack you" Kraven replied hypnotically. His voice held a hint of anger.

"Cool trick" Sauron turned his head only to find (y/n) sticking to the side of a nearby tree. "Can you make him act like a chicken?"

"I could" Sauron smiled evilly. "Or I could do it to yo-" he was cut off quickly as (y/n) webbed the man's mouth and eyes. Ka-zar appeared behind Sauron and started fighting him.

"That was easy" (y/n) smirked before looking at Kraven who grabbed his spear and threw it at the boy. "You really gonna hunt a kid? I'm like the weakest Spider-person" that last part was a lie. He was called the superior Spider-Man for a reason. (Y/n) caught the spear and held it out for Kraven to take back "Just take Sauron. I won't even tell the avengers or anyone that you were here. I always love watching you beat up Spider-Man and I have no reason to stop you"

"You like watching me beat up Spider-Man?" Kraven asked as he took the spear back and looked at the kid skeptically. "Why?"

"He's my dad and he caused the death of my mom and my girlfriend" (y/n) replied as he jumped from the tree to the ground. "He's a deadbeat and I'm just waiting for some villain to kill him"

"Then why dress like him?" Kraven asked as he motioned to the costume.

"I have the powers so why not?" (Y/n) shrugged. "I tried being the black cat for a while but nobody really liked my costume"

Kraven nodded before turning and seeing Sauron get knocked unconscious by Ka-zar. "Alright. You're father is the only Spider-Man I want anyways" he walked off into the jungle and disappeared into the trees.

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