Miss Stacy

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"Let's go with the first one" (y/n) nodded. That was the one.

"Great" Kate nodded before realizing something. "Uh- how are we going to have this made?"

"I'll get that done" Jennifer smiled before grabbing the paper and walking out of the apartment.

"Alright then" (y/n) nodded before noticing the sun starting to come out behind the window shades. "I'm going to sleep. Either come to bed with me or get out of my apartment" the boy said as he looked at Kate.

"My apartment" America glared at the boy.

Kate just shook her head before leaving. "See you losers!"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes before walking to his room and immediately laying down and falling asleep in his bed.

Late the next night

A girl walked down an alleyway, she knew it wasn't safe at this time of night but she was in a rush so she had taken it as a shortcut. "Damn" she muttered as she reached a dead end. She needed to get back to her apartment before her dad discovered she had snuck out.

"Someone in a hurry bro" the girl quickly turned around and saw a two men in tracksuits get out of a van holding knives

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"Someone in a hurry bro" the girl quickly turned around and saw a two men in tracksuits get out of a van holding knives. The girl backed up into the wall behind her with wide eyes.

The men kept walking towards her until one was grabbed quickly and pulled into the shadows

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The men kept walking towards her until one was grabbed quickly and pulled into the shadows. "Bro?! You okay bro?" The other tracksuit turned around only to get punched in the face. He fell down unconscious.

"You alright?" The girl tensed as she watched a shadowy figure walk towards her. "Relax. I'm not going to hurt you"

"Who are you?" The girl asked cautiously as she looked over the boys costume

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"Who are you?" The girl asked cautiously as she looked over the boys costume.

"I'm- uh- I don't actually have a hero name yet. Which is weird since I'm already leading a team. I should probably get on top of that" the spider shrugged and retracted his extra arms into the suit. "You alright?" He asked again. The girl nodded quickly as she visibly relaxed a bit. "What's your name?"

"Gwen, Gwen Stacy" the girl replied quickly.

"Where are you headed Gwen?" (Y/n) asked. "I can get you there faster than walking"

"I don't even know you" Gwen replied skeptically as she crossed her arms. "Why would I trust you to get me there?"

(Y/n) shrugged as he looked at the girl. "You seemed to be in a rush, I just saved your life, I have the phone number of an avenger in my phone so I can't be that bad, the list goes on"

Gwen sighed. He was right, she was in a rush. "Alright. I was headed back to my apartment, I don't want my dad knowing I snuck out"

(Y/n) smirked under the mask before nodding. "I'll swing you over there" the boy said. He put an arm around the girl. "Hold on tight and point me in the right direction of your place"

"Wait wh-" gwen was cut off as they quickly left the ground and soon enough were swinging through the air. Gwen held on tightly to the boy as she gave him her address. "This is amazing!" She cried out as she looked down at the city below them.

(Y/n) smiled as he kept swinging. "Gotta be honest I was expecting you to freak out more!" He said loudly in order to be heard over the roaring wind.

"Me too!" Gwen replied with a wide smile. "Guess we were both wrong!" The two laughed.

A few minutes later (y/n) stuck to the outside of Gwen's room. He opened the window and helped the girl inside before following. "Nice place" he said as he looked around.

"Keep your voice down!" Gwen whispered causing (y/n) to shut up. "My dad might still be awake"

"Ah. Got it" (y/n) nodded. "Should I get out of here then?"

Gwen frowned a bit before quickly grabbing a piece of paper and a pen from her desk. She quickly wrote something down and handed the boy the paper. "Any chance of me seeing your face before you go?"

(Y/n) looked down at the paper. It was her number with 'keep in touch' written next to it. The boy then looked back up at Gwen. He slid the paper into his pocket. "Might as well" he shrugged. "Secret identities are for wimps" he then pulled off his mask. "Although now that I'm thinking about it maybe I should have a secret identity... don't tell anyone about this"

"I won't, I promise" Gwen smiled at the boy. She observed his face. Her guess that he was around her age seemed to be spot on. He was good looking too.

"Thanks" (y/n) said with a smile. "I'm (y/n) (l/n)"

"Nice to meet you (y/n)" Gwen replied before hugging the boy. "Thanks for saving my life"

"Happy to help" (y/n) replied and hugged back. The two were interrupted a moment later when someone knocked on Gwen's door.

"Gwen? You in there?" A man's voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Yeah! One minute!" Gwen replied as she and (y/n) broke the hug.

"That's my cue" (y/n) whispered as he pulled his mask back on.

"Bye (y/n)" Gwen whispered before watching the boy jump out the window and start swinging away. Her dad knocked on the door again. Gwen quickly went to go get it.

Meanwhile (y/n) swung through the streets of New York looking for anyone else to help. Eventually he got bored and landed on a rooftop. He pulled out the paper with Gwen's number and put the number in his phone. Who knew superheroing was a good way to meet women?

Word count: 1001

(I hope you all will be happy to hear that I will not pull a Gwen Stacy with this Gwen Stacy. I already did that to two characters and have no intentions of doing it again)

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