Telling The Parents

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"We're moving in in a couple of weeks. You really need to tell your parents that you're moving out Gwen" (y/n) said as he bit into his slice of pizza. The two were currently sitting in Gwen's favorite pizza place celebrating her graduation which had taken place a couple hours prior.

"I know" Gwen sighed as she bit into her own slice. "They're so protective though. And I know they won't like the idea of me moving in with a guy"

"Especially if they find out we'll be sharing a bed" (y/n) added before taking a drink of his soda.

"We-we'll be sharing a bed?" Gwen asked wide eyed.

"I- uh- I assumed so" (y/n) rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "We don't have to-" he was cut off by Gwen.

"No!- I mean no it's fine. I- I can handle that" she nodded more like she was reassuring herself.

"We don't have to" (y/n) said again before taking the girls hand. "And if we do then don't feel like I'm pressuring you into doing anything you're not comfortable with"

Gwen seemed to become a bit less tense. "Thanks. Do you mind if I ask you something personal?"

"We're in a relationship. Eventually you'll find out any of my personal information anyways" (y/n) shrugged. "Might as well make that now" he took another bite of his pizza.

"Have you ever... you know... been with a woman sexually?" Gwen asked awkwardly as she looked down at her fingers.

"I-uh- I really wish I could say no" (y/n) replied with a sigh. "Sorry. I know that wasn't the answer you were hoping for"

"No- no it's fine" Gwen replied as she kept looking down. "I should have expected that-" (y/n) cut her off.

"Every time I have done... it, I've ended up regretting it. Either the girl betrayed me, didn't want an actual relationship, or ended up dead. I suppose that's one of the reasons I don't feel any need to pressure you into it. I like how we are now and I don't want to ruin it" (y/n) explained as he sighed before smiling at her.. "I love you Gwen"

"I love you too" Gwen smiled back before leaning forward and giving the boy a brief kiss. "You shouldn't worry. Nothing you do will ruin us"

"I'm glad to hear it" after that the two finished their lunch in a comfortable silence.

After lunch the two began walking back towards Gwen's family's apartment. "Any big graduation plans? Parties or anything?" (Y/n) asked as he put an arm around Gwen's shoulder.

"I decided not to go to any" Gwen replied to (y/n)s surprise.

"Why not?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "Seems like they'd be fun"

"It's just a few hours of people drinking and flirting" Gwen replied with a shrug.

"Yeah... you're not going" (y/n) agreed. "Only I can flirt with you" he pulled Gwen closer and she leaned her head on the boys shoulder.

"Speaking of things only you can do" Gwen started as they stopped walking. "Can you swing us home?"

"Yeah, sure" (y/n) replied. He pulled Gwen into a nearby alleyway before putting his mask on. He then wrapped his arms around the girl before shooting his web.

A couple minutes later (y/n) was helping Gwen through her window and into her apartment. "Thanks" Gwen smiled before (y/n) himself entered through the window.

"Don't mention it" the boy replied as he closed the window and pulled his mask off.

"In the mood for a movie?" Gwen asked as she motioned to the tv on the wall across from her bed that she had just turned on.

"How could I say no to that?" The boy asked with a smile as he put some clothes on top of his spider suit. "What're we watching?"

"Something romantic?" Gwen asked, she only got a shake of the head from (y/n). "Something funny?" That one got a nod. "Bill and Ted?"

"Which one?"

"The first one" Gwen replied with a smile. "We can watch the second tomorrow and the third the day after that"

"Alright" (y/n) replied happily before laying on Gwen's bed. Gwen quickly joined him in it. "But you have to tell your parents tonight that you're moving out. Deal?"

Gwen sighed. She knew she'd have to do it eventually so she nodded. "Deal" she replied unenthusiastically. "Could you be there with me though?"

"Uh- I'd really rather not" (y/n) replied getting a glare from Gwen. "Your dad will kill me" Gwen kept glaring at him. "Fine, I'll do it"

"Thank you" Gwen kissed the boys cheek before starting the movie.

About two fun filled hours later

"That was fantastic" (y/n) smiled as he looked down at Gwen who's head was lain against her boyfriends chest. She didn't reply. "You asleep?" He asked quietly.

"No" Gwen replied with a yawn. "Not anymore at least"

"Alright good" (y/n) nodded. "You should really go tell your parents you're moving out. I heard them get home an hour ago" Gwen glared at the boy. "Fine" he sighed. "We should go tell them"

"This'll be fun" Gwen sighed as the two got out of bed.

"It'll be fine" (y/n) promised. He held the girls hand. "Everything will be fine"

Word count: 900

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