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"The one and only Spider-Man is here to save the day!" Spider-Man landed in the middle of two criminals and quickly webbed them to the bank walls. "That was easy"

"What's with the new suit nerd?" The superior Spider-Man called at the man from outside the building

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"What's with the new suit nerd?" The superior Spider-Man called at the man from outside the building. "And that was only easy because I took out the rest while they were exiting from the back" (y/n) pointed to some people who were webbed to their getaway car.

"Go away Hardy" Spider-Man groaned as he walked out of the building. At this point a crowd of people wanting to see the heroes had started to form.

"Is that any way to talk to your son?" (Y/n) asked as he smirked under his mask. It was nice to see that he'd succeed in pissing Peter off.

"You're not my son" the Spider-Man replied before explaining. "Your dad is in a coma. Since someone-" Spider-Man poked the boys chest. "-revealed his secret identity. It's just lucky that nobody targeted the rest of his family"

"Yeah... I'm not gonna apologize for that" (y/n) shrugged. "He's the reason my mom is dead and he's the reason Ironheart is dead. Peter deserved what he got" the two Spider-Men were only vaguely aware that a few people in the crowd had started recording the confrontation. "I was going to kill him myself until May stopped me"

"You couldn't kill him if you tried" Spider-Man laughed a bit. "You're a joke" (Y/n) glared at the Spider. Now he was really starting to get angry. "You're just an angry teenager who misses his mommy. You unjustly accuse Peter of causing her death and you even turned spider-girl into a vampire! Along with that you're so petty that you became a new Spider-Man just to call yourself the superior Spider-Man"

"Alright that's it. I'm tired of your shit" (y/n) glared at the man. "So who is it under that mask? You sound like Peter but claim you're not him. You're obviously not May, although the outfit is similar. Are you uncle Ben? Back from the grave"

"You're coming with me" Spider-Man said after a moment. "The avengers have been trying to hunt you down for months. They're just to incompetent to do it"

"Believe me I know. And I'm not going anywhere with you" (y/n) replied as he turned around and started walking away.

"Well I tried asking nicely" Spider-Man said before shooting a web at the boy.

(Y/n)'s spider sense soon went off and he jumped out of the way of the web. "That the best you've got? Come back when you learn to fight" the boys spider sense was still acting up.

"Of I've got more. That was just a distraction" quickly (y/n) felt his spider sense grow more agitated and he jumped up onto the side of the bank and in doing so dodged a punch from a scantily clad man.

 That was just a distraction" quickly (y/n) felt his spider sense grow more agitated and he jumped up onto the side of the bank and in doing so dodged a punch from a scantily clad man

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"Who the hell are you?" (Y/n) asked as he looked over the man. "And why are you practically naked?"

"I am Hercules! Son of Zeus!" The god decided to skip over the boys second question.

"Yeah... I'm not fighting a god. Bye" (y/n) quickly jumped from his position and started web swinging away.

"Smart lad" Hercules shrugged before beginning to run after the boy at inhuman speeds. Spider-Man quickly swung after them.

"Fuck off you two!" (Y/n) yelled after them as he tried to pick up speed.

"Come back and face me! Prove you have enough honor to do so!"

"Honor is a fools prize. Glory is of no use to the dead" (y/n) replied, echoing the words of the ancient sith. The boy pulled his phone out of his pocket quickly and dialed a number. The person he called never picked up. "Fuck!" He yelled before putting the phone away. "Fuck!" He yelled once again as Hercules jumped and grabbed the boy. "I'll give you twenty drachmas to let me go" the boy smiled nervously under the mask.

"Nice try coward" Hercules replied. (Y/n) unsheathed the robot arms attached to his back and tried to strike at Hercules only for the god to pull them off of his back and smash them under his boot.

"Fuck" (y/n) groaned as he glared at Spider-Man who had finally caught up. "I take it I can't bribe you either?"

"Not a chance you little brat" the hero shook his head before webbing the boys hands together.

"Fine. I'll come without. But I want my lawyer" (y/n) said as he turned away from the two.

"Yeah yeah. She's on her way" Spider-Man shook his head. "Let's go big guy"

Avengers tower

(Y/n) sat silently as he made weird faces at the security camera in the corner of the room. Outside the room looking in through a one way window captain America stood beside Hercules in full costume. "Has he talked at all?"

"Not since we brought him in" Hercules replied with a shrug. "Good luck Barnes" he pat the man on the back and walked out.

The captain straightened his posture before walking into the interrogation room. "(Y/n) Hardy?"

"I want my lawyer" the boy replied plainly as he kept making faces at the camera.

"Jen's caught up fighting the serpent society with Greer" the man replied before sitting at the table across from the boy. "You're not in as much trouble as you probably think you are"

"You sent a literal god to bring me here" (y/n) crossed his arms. "So why am I here"

"Before he was hospitalized Peter told the avengers everything. Most of the avengers think you should be sent to jail. Peter and I however believe you deserve a second chance. I more than anybody know about the need for second chances" The man pulled off his mask to reveal the face of Bucky Barnes, the winter soldier. He looked at the boy before speaking again. "I'm giving you that chance now. Join the avengers, you'll have one of our members watching over you until we decide we can trust you. Or you can go to jail. We have more than enough evidence to convict you. It's your choice"

"Not much of a choice is it?" (Y/n) asked as he huffed. "Fine. I'll join your little boyband" he sighed as Bucky smiled. "Who's going to be my stalker?"

"I'll introduce you soon enough" the captain replied before standing up. "I'm glad you made the right decision"

Word count: 1111

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