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(I realized while writing the last chapter that I have no clue how to write for a family where all the members don't hate each other, hence this chapter taking place a few hours after the last chapter instead of directly after)

"How was dinner?" Riri asked as she flew back towards the champions base with (y/n) held in her arms.

"It was alright. Peter still sucks. MJ is alright although I feel like I should hate her since she replaced my mom and stole any chance I had of having a father. Mayday is awesome though, we have a lot of similar interests" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

"Like what?" Riri asked as she looked down at him.

"Star Wars, beating people up, shooting webs at people-"

"Are all of the rest of the interests violent?" Riri asked as they landed outside the building.

"Most of them are, yes" (y/n) replied with a nod before letting go of Riri. "Thanks for the ride babe"

"Don't call me babe" Riri replied as she took her helmet off. "You couldn't handle being with me"

"Care to prove it?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk as the two walked into the building.

"How do you suppose I do that?" Riri replied as she raised an eyebrow

"We spend all day together then have dinner tomorrow night, just you and me"

"Is this your way of trying to trick me into a date?" Riri asked as she smiled.

"Is it working?"

"Could be"

"Great, I'll see you in the morning" (y/n) said as he walked off towards his room.

The next morning

(Y/n) yawned as he woke up the next morning. "Good morning" he heard a female voice say from the door. He turned himself and saw Riri standing there.

"Good morning babe" (y/n) replied as he sat up. "Didn't expect you to be here"

"Well it was your idea to spend all day together" Riri replied with a shrug as she sat down on the foot of his bed.

"Oh yeah, alright give me a second to get dressed" (y/n) said as he stood up and Riri quickly looked away from him with a blush while he dressed.

"Alright let's go" (y/n) said as he finished getting dressed and grabbed Riris hand before pulling her out of the room. "Anything in particular you felt like doing?"

"Well I figured since you're kinda my boyfriend for the day that I'd treat you like one" Riri replied with a smile.

"I like where this is going" (y/n) said with a smirk.

An hour later

"I was wrong to be excited for this" (y/n) said with a sigh as Riri dragged him from store to store, forcing him to carry everything she bought.

"Told you I'd be to much for you to handle" Riri smirked as she grabbed a dress off a rack. "How's this look?" She asked as she held it infront do her body.

"It's fine" (y/n) shrugged as he sighed. "And I can handle you"

"Yet you're already bored out of your mind" Riri replied as she looked at him and picked out more clothes.

"But I'm still here aren't I?"

"That you are" Riri nodded before walking into a changing room.

(Y/n) sat down on a bench across from the changing room and put down the bags of stuff Riri had bought. "How's this look?" Riri asked as she walked out of the changing room in a black bikini.

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