One time.

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One time

Eren's POV

I'm sitting in class zoning out as usual. Ms Smith is running late. I wonder why.

I look around the classroom. Armin and Mikasa were also zoning out. I'm surprised Armin zones out. After a while the teacher comes in and sets her papers down. She looks a little nervous and sad.

"Good morning Ms Smith." Armin says snapping back to reality.

"Morning Armin." She says before sighing. "Listen up guys. I have some important news. I'm going to need you guys to stop the chitchats and actually pay attention."

I sit up straight and pay close attention. I was interested to see why Ms Smith looks sad. She's never this sad. Unless it's about her cat getting sick.

"Okay, so a classmate of ours has passed away from suicide. His name was Levi Ackerman." She took a deep breath. "He sat here. Who was friends with Levi?"

Everyone gasps and actually has there full attention on Ms Smith. Bad thoughts came to my mind. why did i feel so weird now? We looked around the classroom. "Nobody?" Ms Smith asked.

We shook our heads. "Okay well, we don't know why he did it. Let's all just close our eyes and pray for the family." Ms smith walking to her desk.

We close our eyes and pray. "By the way, no school for tomorrow."

"Why?" Jean asked.

"We want to mourn his death. And the funeral will be hosted on Saturday. If you would like to come to the funeral or help out please email me.

When we were done she let us be free instead of working. Im sure that's gonna happen a lot in our classes today.

"Hey Eren." Mikasa says coming up to me.

"Hi Mika." I smile softly.

"I can't believe that kid did suicide." She says walking with me.

'That Kid.' made it seem like he was nothing to anybody. I sigh as Mikasa goes on and off about Levi.

"He was so quiet no wonder he commit suicide." She says out loud.

I slap my forehead then storm off. She calls for my name but I ignore her. I left out the school. "I don't want to be here for the rest of the day." I say to myself.

I keep walking until I make it my house. But I stop. I turn around. Across from my house was 2 people crying as they moved stuff out of there house and into the trash can.

I run over to them. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Our son just committed... Sorry if we're loud." She says sighing.

"Who was your son...?" I asked.

"His name was Levi..." She said starting to cry again.

"I'm sorry for your lost..." I say frowning. I rubbed her back slowly trying to calm her down.

Her husband i'm assumed was also tearing up. I sighed again. I said i had to go before I started crying. I ran to my door then opened it and shut it. I locked the door.

My mom came running downstairs. "Eren? What are you doing home?" She asked.

"A kid past away and i don't feel good." I said honestly.

"Aw baby come here." She said holding her arms out.

Usually i would get ticked off but honestly I really needed this hug. I walked over to her and hugged her. "I wish I could save him." I said calmly.

"I understand that... But he's in a better place." My mom says rubbing my back.

I nodded softly. After a long hug we pulled away from eachother. I told her i was going to take a nap or just go to sleep. I sighed as I walked to my room.

I changed out of my clothes then laid in my bed. I put the covers on me. "I'm sorry Levi. I wish I knew you so i could've saved you..." I say before closing my eyes.

And with that. I'm sleep.

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