Day 11-25/ Mines part 3

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Mines part 3

"What the fuck." Mikasa said.

I knew why she said that. Yes i'm dating Mikasa but I only agreed because she started crying her eyes out. I want to be with Levi honestly. Levi was going to get off of me but I grabbed his hand. They were shocked.

"You can move your arm?" Levi asked.

I shrugged slowly. I have to admit it hurt like hell to grab him. So much pressure on my arm. It felt almost numb. Probably the needle.

I looked into Levi's eyes. Mikasa watched everything. "Levi get away from my boyfriend."

Levi looked away from me. He sighed and got up. My grip was weak after grabbing him. There was no way I was going to keep that grip for awhile. I put my arm back to its normal spot and looked away.

Mikasa kissed my cheek. "Eren." She said.

I turned to her. "Are you cheating on me with Levi?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Ah okay good."

I nodded. "Well." She said getting bored. "I have to go, i'll be back later." She said leaving.

I sighed slowly. Levi grabbed onto his other arm and swung it back and forth not knowing what to do. I loved how Levi never got bored but Mikasa did. It shows who really cares. She was here for like 7 minutes.

I looked up at the ceiling. I yawned quietly. I shut my eyes. I fell asleep quickly.


Levi's POV

I turn to Eren. He was asleep. I huffed. I get on the bed and lay with him. I want him to talk to me. I'm so bored. "Talk to me please Eren." I said annoyed.

I shut my eyes. I will help you Eren.


Days go by and he's not making any process. A week later and still nothing. He can walk but can't speak. I walk with him outside. We walk back to the hospital and he gets back onto his bed.

Honestly Carla visits him every now and then but because i'm here she knows i'll take good care of him. Mikasa comes over too but he doesn't seem to care for Mikasa. His friends come over sometimes but they can't wait till he's back in school.

"Come on Eren say something." I say eager to hear his voice. "I miss your voice." I say blushing softly.

He gave me a semi-smile. I sighed. "Eren it's been a week. I can get you out of here if you just speak." I said softly.

He turned his head. I frowned softly. "Eren... Can I ask you something."

He nodded. "Do you even like Mikasa?" I asked calmly. He shook his head. "Can I sit on your lap and tell you something?" He nodded.

I sat on his lap and laid my head down. "Eren... I- I'm tired." I lied.

He did another semi-smiled then he closed his eyes. I closed my eyes too and fell asleep after awhile.


2 weeks later

"Eren you can go home tommrow." A doctor said as she writes something in her notebook.

Eren smiled widely. Still he couldn't talk. "Speaking therapy would help him." The doctor pointed out before going back outside.

I turned to Eren. "Aren't you excited? Back to school we go!" I say smiling.

He nodded over and over. I got onto the bed next to him and played with his hair. "Eren. I want to tell you something." I said quietly.

He nodded his head. I took a deep breath. "Eren... When you sat next to me I was like "Who is this kid." I was annoyed and not gonna lie I wanted you to leave me alone. But just you talking to me and sticking up for me made me realize you weren't a snotty popular kid. You were nice to me. I appreciate it. You saved me from having more injuries from Zach. You made everything seem so much better. You made life more interesting. So this is me confessing to you Eren. I love you and i want you to be mines... Not mikasa's... Nobody's but mines." I say looking away from him.

He said nothing. He didn't even move. I was getting ready to get up. "I'm sorry." I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it. I walked out and shut the door. I wish he said something or pulled me back. But that's not how life works Levi. It will never work like that.

I ran out of the hospital as fast as possible and ran. I ran 4 miles till i got to my home. I opened the door and ran straight over to my mom and dad. They were shocked when I hugged them. "Levi your home?" They both said.

I nodded my head. Tear's fell from my face. "Are you okay?" My dad asked.

"... I confessed to Eren and he didn't say or do anything." I said softly.

"Maybe he didn't know what to do. It was so sudden." She said.

"... What do I do! I made a fool out of myself."

"Visit him tomorrow. Or wait till he comes to you." She said patting my back.

I nodded. "I'm just going to go up to my room." I said walking away. I ran up the stairs and went into my room. I jumped onto my bed and cried my eyes out.. I then fell asleep.

Eren's POV

"I love you too, Levi..."

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