Day 2/ Skipping

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I wake up in my bed. I rub my head and look around me. "How did i get here?" I said to myself. "SHIT DON'T TELL ME I FAILED"

I grab my phone and check the date. I sigh. "Thank god. August 16." I get up and change out of my clothes. I grab my backpack and phone and head downstairs. "I'm off to school, mom." I said giving her a hug.

"Before you go, please come home and not fall asleep. You left a boy to carry you all the way home." My mom rolling her eyes.

"A boy? Who?" I asked interested.

"Levi i think that's his name. He was really tired after carrying you." She paused. "Welp go to school." I think about it as i walk out the door. I looked over to Levi's house.

I walk over to Levi's house and knock on the door. His mom answers it. "Hello!" She says cheerfully.

"Hey, is Levi here?" I asked.

"Yeah he is, let me go get him for?" She asked.


"Got it Eren, i'll be right back." She left the door open. The inside of there house was really pretty. I enjoyed the decorations.

Soon Levi comes down with his backpack on. His face is emotionless and looks paler then before. "Hi." He says walking up to me. "Why are you here and how did you know where i lived at."

"I should be asking you that."

"Your so loud in the morning i see you through my window all the time." He says shutting the door behind him.

He begins to walk. I walk besides him. "Hey Levi, you carried me home?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said shrugging.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because i'm not that mean." He says making the "that" point out.

"Well thank you." I said. I blush softly. 'I was cuddling him. I wonder how he felt...'

Levi's POV


I wake up to the brat laying on me. I smiled softly and rubbed his head. I look around. "Shit where are we." I was confused not remembering anything. "Wake up brat." I say tapping him.

I shake him repeatedly. "ARE YOU DEAD?" I yelled.

"Shh just give me 60 more minutes and then i'll clean up." He mumbles.

"Sleep talker, weirdo." I roll my eyes and gently get him off of me. I then realize i was in pain. I held onto my ribs. I could've continued to wake him up but he looked so peaceful.

I sighed and picked him up slowly. I limped away with him in my hands. "Be strong Levi." It seemed like school has ended its quiet. I opened the door slowly and walked out of it. Honestly he's not that heavy it's just my ribs hurt.

I keep walking/limping back home. When i make it to his house i knock on the door.

"Hell-" She pauses. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?" She yelled.

"He fell asleep so i brought him home." I said honestly.

"You look hurt, are you okay?" She asked. "And here let me take him." She says grabbing Eren off me.

"I'm fine don't worry about me. Bye now." I say giving her a quick smile. I turned around as she closed the door. I walked over to my house.


This brat... He's special to me already. He stayed with me. "LEVI." He yelled. Yeah very special just loud and annoying.

"What." I said annoyed.

"Why do you look pale?" He asked as we walked into the school.

"Just tired that's all."

"Get more sleep." He said rubbing my head.

"Ok." I say moving his hand.

Soon his friends run up him. He stops walking so i stop with him. "EREN HANG OUT WITH US!" A girl with food said.

"Do i have to." He said not interested.


"Fine only if Levi can come." He said smiling.

"Eh sure i guess." Mikasa shrugged.

"Hey babe." Jean said walking up to Mikasa.

"Hey baby!" Mikasa said before she kissed him.

"Well what should we do?" I asked.

"Skip of course come on." Connie said walking out the door.

He shrugged. "Do you want to come Levi?"

"Work comes first." I said, beginning to walk away.

"Come on Levi it will be fun...!"

"Tch. Fine." I says turning back to me. I walked back to him and we walked through the door.

"By the way to introduce ourselves. I'm Connie, this is Sasha, that's horse face, that's Mikasa and that's Armin." Connie said pointing at everyone.


"Because you have one." Sasha said stuffing her face.

"Says the one who eats anything." Jean says rolling his eyes.

"Better than being a horseface" Eren said chuckling.

I followed them wherever they wanted to go. I didn't say much. I didn't fit in with them. Or maybe i wasn't pressuring myself to fit in.

I sigh. Eren grabs my hand and continues to walk. I blush softly and keep holding his hand. Why am I even allowing him to hold my hand. Why can't I let go? Why do I like him...

And why do I feel like he's trying to save me...

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