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It's been 2 days. After i went to sleep on that Thursday i really was being lazy and didn't get up to do anything but eat, drink, and go to the bathroom.

I picked up my computer and went to my school mail. I was going to the funeral either way. I emailed Ms smith.

"Hello Ms Smith. This is Eren Yeager. I would like to come to the funeral. Where is it at?" I sent the email.

I waited for about 10 minutes and then she finally responded.

"Hello Eren, it's here *Address link* Also be sure to be here by 6:30. Thank you." She emailed back.

I clicked on the link. "Not far." I said.

I put my computer away. My mom walks into my room. "Perfect timing. Is it okay if you drive me to the funeral? You can go back you don't have to stay." I asked.

"I don't do funerals... You know how they make me feel. I'll take you and i'll lend you some money to take a uber, okay?" She said.

"Okay thanks mom." I say. "Also why did you come in here?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted takeout our left overs?"

"Takeout. Chinese food." I say smiling.

"Got it i'll let you know when it's here." She says before walking out of my room.

I look outside to see Levi's mom and dad who were sitting on the porch. I wondered why I never saw Levi walking to school or walking home.

I get up and find one of my favorite mangas. Attack on Titan. I feel like i'm the main character sometimes. We're basically the same honestly.

I sit back onto my bed and let my mind wander off into the manga world.

About 30 minutes later my mom calls me to eat. I go downstairs and eat slowly. My mom sat on the couch with her food enjoying it. I felt so sick to my stomach because I keep thinking about Levi.

When i'm done i go back upstairs and fall asleep... Funeral here we come.


Next morning i wake up pretty late. It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. God damn i sleep a lot. I get up and turn the shower on. I take my clothes off then get into the shower.

I wash my body then rinse off. I turn the shower on and reach for my towel. I dry myself off then get out. I find a nice black suit to wear. I put it on. I walk to the kitchen and eat the leftover chinese food.

"Hey your finally up!" My mom said  getting up from the couch.

"How did i not know you were on the couch?" I say shocked.

"Probably because you got to much on your mind." My mom walks over to me and pats my head.

I finish my food. "I'm going to get ready." She says walking into her room.

I throw my plate away then sit on the couch. I then get a message.

"Hey Eren are you going to the funeral?" Armin asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Same, what time are you gonna be there?"

"No idea. But i'll meet you there." I reply.

"Okay, bye."

I like the message. I assumed Mikasa wasn't going since she said she was going camping with her family.

My mom comes out the room then we leave. We drive an hour to the funeral. She hugs me then i leave. I fix my suit and look for Armin. Half of these people i don't even know. Most be his family or from other classes.

I get a tap on the shoulder. "Hey Eren. I got us a seat."

I turned around. "Hey Armin. Where's the seat at?" I asked.

"Follow." He walked the the front then sat down and left a seat for me.

I sat next to him. "You look different." I say smiling. He has a new suit on i've never seen before.

"Thank you." He says.

One thing about Armin is he knows when i'm giving him a compliment and when i'm not. We waited for awhile for the funeral to start. Once it did people started to play soft music.

Levi's mom went on the stage where Levi's casket was. As i think about the casket i get sick. 'A dead body is in there and we're so close to it.'

I gulp. The mother starts to talk. "Levi, We don't know why you did it... We don't understand why. We wish you opened up to us... But now your in a better place. Be free... Be happy... We love you Levi." She says starting to tear up.

It was now the dads turn. "Levi son... I hope your doing better wherever you are... And i hope in our next life you will be my son again, but this time we would be happier. Goodbye for now Levi..." The mom and dad walk down the stage.

I tear up a little bit and Armin was definitely tearing up. I smiled a little when they brought photos for us to see of him. As a baby and how he looked last year. My smile then faded.

I realized when he was a baby he was obviously cheerful but when he got around to the age of 14 his smile faded. You can tell the smiles were fake. Some photos he didn't smile in. I wonder why...

I sigh. "I have to go Eren..." Armin says grabbing his stuff.

"What why?"

"My mom is getting sick i need to make sure she's okay." He says hugging me. I hug him back then wave bye.

Before I leave i see Sasha and Connie eating up the food. "Sasha and Connie this is a funeral not an all you can eat." I say turning them to me.

"Oh sorry Eren, we were really hungry." Sasha says eschewing on her food.

"Just save some for the others." I said. "Alright we'll ima go. Bye guys."

"Bye Eren!" They both said waving. I walked away and left.

I was going to call a uber but I would rather walk a little further before calling an uber.  The more i walk the more i realize it's getting dark and quiet. Really quiet.

I then get pulled into the alleyway. "What the fuck." I said turning around quickly. I punch whoever was in front of me as a reflex. But nobody was there.

I turn back around and get ready to run. But they stop me. "Who are you." I say irritated.

I turned around. He had a coat on. I tried to touch him but he faded. "Stop trying to touch me."

"Well then stop touching me." I say nudging him off of me by backing up. "And what do you want."

"Your a friend of Levi's right?" They asked.

"No... He was a classmate of mines but that's it."

"Well. You seem more uneasy then the rest of them." He said smirking.

"I guess..."

"Why don't you fix it." He says removing his smirk.

"What do you mean by fix it?" I asked.

"Go back in time."

"How do i do that?" I asked interested.

"Before i answer that, do you want to save Levi?" He said looking into my eyes.

"I do."

"Are you sure? If you do you have only 32 days to save him. If you fail he dies. And not only does he die but you die too."

"..." That's a big risk for me... What if he doesn't like me. I sigh. But this is not really about me. I need to save Levi. "I'll do it."

"Are you sure? He's a tough one." He said smiling.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Great stand still." He demanded.

"Uh oka-" Out of nowhere he vanishes. Everything then goes all black.

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