Day 26/ Dont Hurt Him part 2

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Don't hurt him part 2

"I'm coming Levi."

I run out Kuchels home and run to the car. I unlock the door and get in. My phone rings. A call. I answer it. "Hello?" I asked putting they key in the engine.

"Hello Eren." A voice said. It was deep. Not a normal voice. "Where are you?"

"None of your business." I said annoyed.

"Hm? Want to say hi to Levi?" They asked.

I gasped. "Please." I said.


He gave the phone to Levi. All you can hear are crying and whining noises. "LEVI" I yelled. "IM COMING OKAY."

A big sound happened on the other side of the phone. "I think he went to sleep." He chuckled.

"If you killed him i swear to fucking god."

"Chill, I didn't kill him. I just knocked him out." He chuckled weirdly again.

"WHAT THE FUCK, stop hurting him." I said annoyed.

I was driving to the location. Not far but it was at the same time. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Me? I'm the one who loves you so so so much... But you saved this little prick."

I didn't understand what they meant. Before I could say anything else they hung up. I threw my phone down and drove faster.

When I make it I run out the car. "What the fuck is this place." It was broken down. I walked inside.

"Goodnight Eren." Someone said behind me.

I turned around but it was too late. It went all black.

3rd person POV

They bring Eren into the same room as Levi. They tied Eren up. Levi called for his name but he was out cold. "Shut the fuck up before I blow your brains out."A guy said annoyed.

"P-please let us go..." Levi said quietly.

"Fuck no. So you can call the cops? No thank you."  He said slapping Levi across his face.

"Then let Eren go please... Do whatever with me but don't kidnap Eren." He cried out.

"Whatever I want with you? Does that mean I can kill you?" The guy asked.

"I-" Levi looked down. "If you let Eren go." He said quietly.

"Hm. No, bad offer. How about something more... Fun." The guy said walking close to Levi.

"W-what do you mean?" Levi asked.

"You know." He chuckled. He got close to Levi's face.

Levi's face turned shocked. "N-no..." He said quietly.

"No?" He stopped chuckling. "That's no fun." He frowned.

"Your a sick bastard... Zach."

"Mm," Zach said smirking. He pushed Levi's chair down to the ground. He got ontop of Levi. "Let's have fun, shall we?"

⚠️ Rape ⚠️

Levi had tears rolling down his face. There was nothing for him to do. He was tied tightly. Zach kissed his lips. Levi bit his lip hard causing him to move back. "Do that again and ill shoot you right now."

Levi was quiet. He turned his head. Zach turned his head back to him and kissed Levi again. He stuck his tongue down Levi's throat. Levi squinted his eyes. When Zach moved back saliva came down from his tongue onto Levi's face.

"Please... Let's do this somewhere else... Not infront of Eren." Levi said quietly.

"Oh? You just gave me an idea. Let's do it when he's awake." Zach said getting up.

"N-NO... Why would you do that... Don't you love him? Are you trying to hurt him?" Levi said quietly.

"Hm? It's payback. I'll be back later. Bye." Zach said before leaving out the room.

⚠️ Rape done for now ⚠️

Levi's POV

I look up from the floor. Eren was still unconscious. I cry softly. "E-Eren i'm so sorry..." I say quietly...

Hour start to go by. Levi was still on the ground. But finally, Eren woke up. "Where am I?" Eren said to himself.

"EREN?" I said looking up.

"LEVI." Eren tried to get up but failed. "What the fuck.."

"We're tied to the chair... No way getting out of it." I said quietly.

"Who did it?" Eren asked.

The door opened. Eren looked at the person. "Zach." Eren said annoyed.

"Ah Eren your awake."

"Zach, why are you dojng this." Eren asked.

"Because I want you and only you. We need Levi out the picture."

"No we don't." Eren said pissed off now. "I don't like you Zach. Leave us alone."

"Hm? That attitude... Levi, don't you think it's time? I'm horny anyway." Zach said pulling me up.

"N-no... Stop." I said looking away.

"Levi? What does he mean." Eren asked.

"Oh, well, I decided for me and Levi to do IT right infront of your face."

"It?" Eren asked.

⚠️Rape again⚠️

Zach chuckled. He pulled me up from the chair but still tied. He then sat on the chair and pulled me into his lap. I turned my head. Zach laughed again. Eren didn't say anything. I can tell he was furious.

Zach stopped laughed and kissed me intensely. I tried to pull away from him but his grip.... His grip was too strong. He grabbed onto my ass as the kiss got intense. I cried softly.

"ZACH YOU ASSHOLE." Eren said trying to get out the rope.

I can feel Zach smirking as he continued to kiss me. Next thing you know Zach pushed me off of me. I fell onto the floor and hit my head badly. I looked up at Eren. He was angry. Really angry. Zach walked besides me to Eren. He lifted Eren's chin then kissed him. I looked away not trying to get mad or more sad.

Then... He hit Eren in the face a couple of times. Eren was unconscious again. He then kneeled down to me and hit me over and over. It went all black..

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