Day 2-3/ The Accident

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The Accident

Eren's POV

"Eren?" Levi said.

I looked at this face. I gasped. I grabbed his hand and brought him close to me. I rubbed his face. He flinched at the pain. "Who did it." I asked.

"It was my fault. I said something bad." He said calmly.

"Liar. Be honest Levi." I said annoyed.

He looked up. "Zach." He said quietly.

"I will kill him." I said wanting to protect Levi.

"Eren, it's okay. Look i'm still standing." He said giving me a fake smile.

'Still standing but in the real world you aren't. Your gone. That's why I have to protect you.' I say to myself. "Still."

Levi hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. "Im sorry I left you behind." I said.

"It's not a big deal..." He said. "Im used to it." He said really quietly.

I decided to ignore it. He pulled away. "Stay with me please..." He said holding my hand.

"I- I cant." I say looking back at my house.


His voice was shaking. "Levi I have a girlfriend." I said softly. 'What the fuck why did I just say that'

He was shocked. He was quiet. "I- Sorry... I think I hear my mom calling for me. See you tomorrow!" He said in a happy tone voice.

"Bye, Levi..." He smiled then shut the door.

I turn around and run into my house. I shut the door and lock it. I go back to my room and lay on my bed. I let some tears fall down from my face as I slowly fall asleep.

Levi's POV


I give Eren a smile. I then shut the door and lock it. I walk slowly back up to my room. "What was I thinking. Who would he be with a freak like me? Why did I even think he was gay?" I sighed then tears rolled down my face.

I found my razor blade and lifted up my sleeve. "This is for being stupid." I cut once. "This is for being a stupid freak" I cut again. "This is for not being good enough for anyone." I cut deeper. "And this is for being the cause of Hanji and Erwins death.." I cut over and over after that one. It was my fault...

The love of my life and my best friend were gone. Because I was being stupid. I pull my sleeve down and hide the razor blade. I get into bed and stare at the wall until I fall asleep.

⚠️Cutting over⚠️

Next morning I get up super late. I was probably already Late for second period. My mom was most likely at work and my dad was probably at work too. I get up and change my clothes. The cut's I have made sting like hell. But i deserve it.

I go downstairs and put on my shoes. "I'll eat when i'm come home." I say to myself. I grab my phone and backpack and walk out the door.

My ribs still hurt but i push through it. I begin to walk to school. I put my head down as I walk. I make it to school and walk inside. I go to my 2nd period.

Eren was sitting in the same seat as before. I sat down next to him. I turned my head away but still focusing on the teacher. "Why are you paler you
than before?"

I ignore him. I don't know what to say anyway. The class period went by slowly. I can tell he was looking at me. He also tried to talk to me. When the bell rang Mikasa came over to our spot. "Hey babe!" She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Mika." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and packed up quicker than usual. I swing the backpack around my shoulders and run out of the classroom. I go to my usual spot upstairs on the roof.

My feet dangle as I sit down. I look at my phone in piece and quiet. I block out the noise but 2 of them. I heard Mikasa and Eren coming my way.

"What's with you and that scrawny kid?" She asked.

"He's my friend." He responded.

"I don't want you to be friends with him." She finally said.

"Why?" He asked.

"He gives me a weird vibe."

"Not to me."

I get up quickly and tuck my phone into my pocket. Shit there's no where to go. I look down. I breathed in as I started to move a different way. Soon they made it to my spot. "Levi?" Eren asked. "What are you doing?"

"Enjoying the view!" I lied.

"Uh. Mind if we join you."

"Uh, you can both have it to yourself okay, I'm pretty hungry i'm going to get lunch." I lied again.

I walked back slowly not trying to fall. They allow me to go by. I run quickly back downstairs. But this time I wasn't running alone. "LEVI WAIT UP."

I ran outside of the school. Crossing the road as fast as possible. I continue to look behind me as I keep running. He's gaining up on me. A pain on my ribs start to hurt more but worse. I run again.

I run across a road and.... "LEVI NO"

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