Day 25-26/Im coming

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I'm Coming

Eren's POV

"I love you too Levi..." I said finally getting words out. I sighed. I continued to keep talking so I can get use to it again. I closed my eyes. I'll come to you Levi.

I fell asleep.


Next day my mom came to pick me up. I told her everything that happened the last 2 weeks. I told her about Levi's confession and how I felt. She understood completely. I felt happier to see my mom actually smile. My mom is so strong for me.

I get out of the car and go inside. I grab my phone that was on my bed. It was cracked a little but still useful. I looked through my phone. Pretty cool, my friends were worried about me and they posted the pictures they took with me when I was in the hospital.

I then gasped. "SHIT 6 DAYS LEFT AND I FUCKED IT UP." I throw my phone behind me on my bed I put my shoes on and run outside. I run to Levi's how ignoring the pain.

I knock on the door over and over. It was Levi's dad. "Oh hello Eren, how are you?" He asked.

"Im good, but wheres Levi?" I asked.

"He's at school." He gave me a smile.

I thanked him then started running to school. I was wearing comfortable clothes so I was fine with going to school not caring. My hair was probably a mess but who cares.

I keep running to school. When I make it i looked at the clock. Second period just started. I open the door. Everyone turns to look at me including Levi. I was sweating and was in pain. The teacher gasped. "Eren welcome back.! We hope your doing better!"

My friends smiled widely besides Mikasa. She was all on Zach. "Oh Mikasa, didn't know you were a cheater." I said out loud.

My friends smile faded. I knew they knew but I bet Mikasa told them not to tell me. Espically Armin. I rolled my eyes. I walked over to Levi. I grabbed his hand and walked with him outside the classroom. The teacher called us but my friends told her to shush.

I walked with him till we were outside. He followed behind me. "So you can talk...?" He asked happily.
I nodded as a teasing joke. "DONT DO THAT TALK TO ME." He said frowning.

I turned to him and smiled. I lifted his chin and kissed him softly. He didn't fight back he did the same. The kiss was long and we transferred our saliva. I then pulled back. "I love you too Levi." I said smiling.

"R-really?" He said with a smile.

"Yep." I said honestly. "Now let's go back to class"

"Are you sure? You don't want to wait till tomorrow?" He asked.

"Nah. I'm fine" I grabbed his hand and walked back into the school. We walked into the classroom.


"That should be me and you." Connie said.

"Wait are you joking? CAUSE IM DOWN BESTIE." Sasha said winking.


"WELCOME BACK EREN!" Ymir, Historia, and Armin said.

I smiled as I sat down next to Levi. Back to hell. But i'm not worried about hell, i'm worried about saving Levi. Yeah i'm back, i kissed him, but that doesn't mean this is over.

Levi. Im going to save you.

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