Day 26/ Dont Hurt Him

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Don't Hurt Him

"Your coming with me"

It goes blurry. I look infront of me. Eren was looking down at his phone not paying attention. Before I knew it, it went all black.

Eren's POV

I look at my phone to see what time it was. Damn schools already out? I turned around to notice Levi wasn't next to me anymore. "Levi?" I said looking around me.

I then get a message from an anonymous person.

Random: *Picture of me looking around*

Me: Levi is that you? Stop hiding let's go back home i'm tired.

Random: Let's play hide and go seek.

Me: Huh? And how did you get my number i don't remember giving it to you.

Random: Are you dumb? This isn't Levi. Now if you want to find Levi find me.

I gasped. Levi was kidnapped? I look at the picture he sent. The way I'm facing he was behind me. Next to the ferris wheel. I turn around quickly. Too many people. I won't be able to find him like this.

I walk around to see a suspicious person but no luck. What if Levi is hurt? Why would anyone do this.

Me: Why are you doing this.

Random: I see you

Me: What do you want from me.

Random: I want you.

Me: Mikasa?

Random: Nope not that crazy bitch.

Me: Then who what the fuck.

Random: Hey, I have to go, your friend is getting heavy. I'll text you when i'm home. Buh-bye.

He blocked me afterwards. Shit what the fuck do i do. I run to the car and start to drive off. I need to go see his mom.

I drive quicker. It took me about 15 minutes. I knock on the door loudly. She opens it. "Oh hello Eren!"

"LEVI IS KIDNAPPED." I said showing her the messages.

"W-What? Your joking?"

"N-no... What do I do?"

"... I know someone who can help." She said pulling me inside. "This is a secret. Please whatever you do never share this with Levi." She said calmly.

She shut the door then rushed me into her room. She walked into the closet and opened up something. "Come here, Eren." She said showing me the room.

"Huh?" I walked into the closet then into the room. She walked in with me and shut the door. "What's this?"

"We're gonna visit Hanji." She said quietly.

"Hanji? You know her?" I said interested.

"Yes. Hanji and Erwin came over all the time. I figure out a way how to get into contact with them. Levi vanished one day and I made something so..." She paused.


"You know how Hanji is dead. She knows where Levi is at all times. She knows a lot about you and Levi." She said softly.

"So your spying on us?" I teased.

She chuckled. She didn't seem to worry much about Levi. Maybe she knows he's safe. Whatever it is, we don't have time. I need to get him back before 6 more days is gone...

She gave me an ear plug. "Put this in your ear." She said putting one in her ear.

"Now what?"

"Sit down."

I sat down. She then twisted it. Then it went all black. (Yes this reference is from rick and morty)

"Eren?" The same voice said.

"Kuchel?" I said walking around. "Where are we."

"Hanji's mind."

"Oh? Where Hanji.?"

"You see the light from far away?" She asked.

I looked around. "Found it."

"Good, go over to it."

I walked over there. When I make it i see Hanji and Kuchel. "What now?" I asked.

"Hello to you too Eren." Hanji said teasing.

"Sorry, hi Hanji."

"It's fine, now Levi is missing right?" She asked me.

"Mhm. Someone random sent me a picture of him near me. But too many people he could blend in with. He hid Levi very well." I said softly.

"Okay let me see, stay here." She said disappearing.

I sighed. "What's wrong Eren?" Kuchel asked.

"What if he's hurt. This person... I don't even know who they are." I said annoyed.

"Well, they know who you are. It might be from your school. Give me some names who have your number."

"Uh okay. Armin, Mikasa, Ymir, Historia, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Zach, Mike, Herbert."

"I don't remember the last 3."  She said lifting her hand. "One of them might be it."

I gasped. "ZACH." I paussd "Why would he want to be with me."

"I have the answer to that." Hanji says while she appears.

"Where's Levi?" I asked.

She went quiet. "He's in a garage. hanging onto something. He's not dead but he's unconscious." She said quietly. "You have to save him Eren."


Hanji gives me the location. "Also, the guy who captured him is wearing a mask, he's tall, his hair is sticking out."

"Long or short hair?" I asked. Zach how very long hair.


"W-what? Then who is it." I sighed. "How do i get out of here! I need to save him now." I said annoyed.

Kuchel came close to me and twisted the earbud and I was back up. I got up quickly and grabbed my phone. I left the room and shut it. "I'm coming Levi."

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