Day 26/ Fuck off/ Date Night

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Fuck off/ Date Night

"EREN" Mikas yells from behind.

I grab Levi's hand and start running away from her. He starts to laugh. I chuckle with him. We run into the cafeteria and sit down with my other friends. "Hello Eren!" Armin said.

"Hey, tell me if Mikasa walks in here." I said glancing at Connie.

"Okay," Connie said looking at the back of me.

"So Levi, how does it feel to be the popular favorite?" Ymir asked.

"Ymir why would you ask him that." Jean said chuckling.


"I like it." Levi said squeezing my hand. I smiled softly.

"Share some food." I asked Armin.

"Here," He said passing me his plate. I got a different fork and started eating it slowly.

"Want some?" I asked Levi.

He shook his head. I continued to eat. "RUN MIKASA CAME IN." Connie said causing everyone to look at us.

I pushed the plate away from me and got up. I picked Levi up and started to run to the door that leads outside from the cafeteria. he held onto me tightly as i continued to ran.

With the others:

Mikasa sat down next to all of them. "He's mad huh?"

"Mikasa, why wouldn't he? You fucked up." Ymir said pointing it out.

"I know but I wanted to apologize."

"Now is not the time. You betrayed him while he was basically on his death bed." Jean said.

"Then when is the best time."

"Maybe next week or something."

"Okay I guess." She said frowning. "You guys hate me too?"

"Yeah." Ymir, Sasha, Connie, and Jean said.

"No-" Historia and Armin said.

"We know you guys do." Ymir said.

"Listen Mikasa, I don't hate you just make it better." Historia said.

She nodded.

Levi's POV

It's so nice to hear his voice. I'm so inlove with it. "Eren.." I say quietly.


"Are we...?" I asked hoping he knew.

He nodded. "We're together." He smiled.

I smiled back. "What should we do?"

"Go back to class?" He asked.

"No. Let's go home and get changed."

"For what?"

"Go on a date!" I said happily.

He paused. "GREAT IDEA!" He started to walk faster. I caught up with him. We went to our houses and started getting ready.

I changed out of my clothes and put something nice but also comfortable. I wait outside for Eren. He comes out smiling. "Where do you want to go?"

"Amusement park." He said smiling.

I gulped. "Y-yeah sure okay!" I hate amusement parks. I hate any rides. But he just got out, I want him to be happy.

"I'll drive." He said throwing up the keys.

"W-what? Is your mom allowing you?" I asked.

"Mhm." He went on the passenger side opening it up allowing me to get in. He shut the door then went to the other side. He got in. He turned they key in the engine.

He started to drive. We weren't far from the amusement park. The closer we got the more I started to sweat. I wipe my sweat away without him noticing.

About 40 minutes later. We make it to the amusement park. He grabs my hand as we walk over to the ticket line. We buy our tickets then walk through. "What ride?" He asked looking around.

"I-I don't know." I said honestly.

"Can I choose?"

I nodded. We walked until he found a ride. It was a long line. But i gulped. The rollercoaster went high. I watched as people got onto the ride. They zoomed off quickly up to the top. I squeezed his hand as they went backwards.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

"M-maybe." I gulped again.

"We don't have t-"

"NO I WANT TO STILL." I said looking at him.

He smiled. "Are you sure? We don't have to."

"Please?" I said softly.

"Fine, but if you want to turn around tell me." He said as we moved up in the line.

My hands were getting sweaty but I continued to hold onto his hand. Time goes by quickly when you don't want it to. We were next in line. We got onto the seats. We buckled in.

"Hands up please." A worker told me. I put my hands up. He clicked the belt two times. "All good."

He began to walk away but I grabbed his hand. "Check again please."

Eren chuckled. "Don't check again, he's fine."

I let go of the poor workers hand. I closed my eyes. I hid my face onto Eren's arm. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF." Someone said through the mic.

I gasped and squeezed his arm as we went fast. He laughed. I held his arm and looked up. We were at the tippy top. We went to the side and I couldn't close my eyes. I almost screamed as we turned and went down.

We then made it to the bottom. I got off quickly leaving Eren to get out by himself. I ran down the steps and sat on the floor waiting for Eren. I was sweating badly. I felt nauseous. Eren came down and held his hand out. I grabbed onto it and stood up. "Your so cute Eren." He said smiling.

"S-shut up..."

We continued to get on rides. I was scared on most of them but soon the rides started to get fun. When we got off another ride I stopped moving. I was shaking. Not because of the ride but because...

"Your coming with me."

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