Day 1 part 2/ Getting Closer Already

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Levi's POV

This brat asked me to be his friend. I don't even know him. I wonder why he's asking. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Eren Yeager! I assume yours is Levi?"

I nodded. The bell rung and I pack up quickly. I leave the classroom without waiting for Eren. I walk to my second class. Eren catches up. "Why didn't you wait for me meanie."

"You we're taking forever." I said.

"No you were packing up quickly."


We walk to our second period. People give us weird stares that i'm sure Eren hasn't noticed... "Eren is hanging out with the low life freak." Someone said quietly.

"Emo freak and the popular boy? Weird." Another person says. This time Eren heard it. He stopped walking.

He clenched his fist. "Who said it?" He said not turning around.

"Eren what are you talking about?" I lied.

"Someone is talking shit. And i don't like that." He says finally turning around.

I sigh and grab Eren's hand and run with him. "Stop making a fool out of yourself." I said annoyed.

"I don't care, they shouldn't talk about anyone."

"That's the way life is Eren."

Eren's POV

"That's the way life is Eren." The words he just said.

"So life is about dying huh. You live for 16 years then boom. You commit. Over what. Why did you commit Levi."'I say pointing it out. I clench my fist again and bite my lip hard. He stops walking.

"What do you mean...?" He asked.

I pause. "Nothing." I said walking away from him. 'My dumbass almost fucked this up.' I walk inside of the classroom and sit down where Levi sits. I never noticed he never had someone to sit next to.

Levi comes in and sits next to me. "What was that all about?" He asked interested.

"I don't know what i was talking about." I said annoyed.

"Honestly, you're weird." He said smirking.

I couldn't help but smile. Soon class started. Same thing always boring. Having 1 hour and 20 minutes of class is so irritating not doing anything fun. I look over at Levi. He was drawing. I looked to see what he was drawing. His mom? How cute.

"Why are you watching me draw." Levi asked slowly turning to me.

"Just wanted to see what you were drawing that's all."

"Well stop it's creepy." He said looking into my eyes.

"Your eyes are pretty" I said randonly.

He blushed and look away. "Baka."

I chuckled then grabbed a piece of paper and got my pencil. I decided why not draw Levi. I start sketching first. Time goes back quickly. I continue to draw. When i'm done i give it to him. "What's this?" He asked before looking at it.

"It's you!" I said smiling.

He took the picture and looked at me then the picture. Me then the picture. "Why do you keep looking back and forth?" I asked.

"Because, you drew this? YOU DREW THIS?" He said loudly. The class turned to look at us. I waved at them. They then turned around.

"Yeah i drew it. Why?"

"Doesn't seem real. You look like a bad drawer." He said smirking.

"What are you getting at." I raised an eyebrow smirking back.

"Oh nothing." He said turning back to the paper. "Thank you." He said after 2 minutes.

"No problem." I said happily.

The bell rang.

"LUNCH TIME!" i yelled getting up.

Armin and Mikasa got up and walked over to me. "Come on lets go get lunch." Mikasa said grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"WAIT." I said loudly so she would stop. I walked back to Levi who was packing up. "Wanna come?"

"Eren no." Mikasa said grabbing my arm again.

"Why?" I asked concerned.

"It's fine Eren. I'll see you next period." Levi said looking into my eyes. He then walked past us.

I turned to Mikasa and Armin. "Mikasa that's not nice." Armin says folding his arms.

"Sorry, but let's not bring our popularity down." She said annoyed.

"It's not. Stop being a bitch." I said walking past them. I look outside the classroom. Levi was already gone and the hallways are long so he must've ran.

I turned back to Mikasa and Armin. Mikasa was shocked including Armin. "Sorry Mikasa it's true you kinda are being a bitch right now. He's human too." I paused then sighed. "Let's just go get lunch."

We walked to the lunch line. We were kinda quiet until we made it into the cafeteria. A fight is happening right now. I remember this too. We didn't go to the fight. But this time i wanted to see who it was.

I ran over to the fight and Mikasa and Armin followed behind me. I pushed through the crowd. "Worthless piece of shit, you deserve nothing in life." A boy yelled.

I turned to the guy who was on the floor. I couldn't get a good view of him. As the other guy who was standing he poured everything out of the guys bag. He looked at the papers and found one. "Is this supposed to be you?" He asked as he showed the picture.

I know what that guy is, that's Zach. He's such an ass. I then looked at the picture. It was the drawing i made for Levi. I gasped.

I turned to see the guy on the floor and it was Levi. Zach laughed and ripped the paper up into pieces. Levi reached up for him but he couldn't. He looked in pain.

A tear rolls down his face "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT." Levi yelled. "SOMEONE MADE IT FOR ME..."

"Nobody cares." Zach says throwing the pieces onto Levi.

"My first friend made it for me... And you ruined it. YOU B-" Levi gets cut off.

Zach gets ready to punch him but I push through the crowds and stop him. Levi looks up at me. "E-Eren..." Levi says still having tears rolling down his face.

I push Zach and punch him and he falls to the ground. I then put everything back into Levi's bag and put it on my back. I picked up Levi and the crowds move back letting me get by.

I'm mad. Really mad. I want to keep beating up Zach. Levi looks into my eyes as i continue to walk. I take him to the nurses office and lay him down. "T-thank you." He says quietly.

I don't say anything nor do i look at him. I should've been stopped the fight. I finally turn to Levi. His eyes were closed. I checked his heart and he was breathing normally.

Tears then start to form from my eyes. I lay down next to him and cuddle him. I slowly close my eyes as i get comfortable. I fall asleep shortly.

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