Day 8-9 / Wake up part 2

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Wake up part 2

It says "day 8" because now I'm skippy time. Anytime it's a different day then it should be I most likely skipped days.

Levi's POV

It's been 8 days since Eren's accident. I've stayed with him everyday. I cant leave his side. "Eren, I'm still here! I'll wait for you okay... Just come back." I sighed.

I feel so sick without him. I just want him back. I want him to hug me back.

His girlfriend Mikasa has came a lot. She always tried to make me leave but i didn't want to.

Carla has visit him when she can but she's working extra jobs to pay for him. I offered to help. I don't care, anything to keep him safe I will do it. If he needed a heart I would give him mines. No hesitation either.

His other friends visit him too. First time they saw him they were crying but after they knew he was going to make it out of live. They knew he was strong. But for me I had these doubt feelings.

I laid next to Eren and played with his hair. I watched him, I can tell he wasn't okay. There were times he was sweating. He never moved but his eyes were shut tight. I hugged him everytime and he calmed down.

I missed a lot of days for school but fuck that. Eren first. I don't care. I want him to be mines... FOR FUCK SAKES WAKE UP.

Eren's POV

I'm running. I'm running far and fast. I'm sweating. I'm running to Levi. I'm trying to catch up to him. But i failed. As soon as I make it to him it goes all black. I'm then back to square one.

I start from the beginning. When i first met Levi. The very first time. I met him 3 years ago. I build my way up. I watch as he changed over time. He was cold. I then realized something...

Erwin and Hanji never came back to school. Levi was only friends with them two. After they stopped coming to school he vanished. People found him and he had to come back. He's a year older than me. But he had to retake freshman year.

I was in classes with him all the time, yet still never payed attention to him. Until he killed himself. I get closer to finding the truth of Levi but honestly. What am I looking for?

3 days ago.

"Eren Yeager. You must past this, if you don't you will die in the game and outside of the game. Do your best. Figure out what Levi is hiding."

Back to present:

What is he hiding? I don't get it. It's something big. Really big. I know when i die. It's when your in a white light. If it's a black light you restart. So obviously i'm doing something wrong.

I'm running again. I'm going faster this time. But I finally stop before I got to the black spot. Levi stops moving. A car slams into him. "LEVI?" Black light. Back to square one. "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO...!" I yelled.

"Eren Yeager, you must save Levi."

"How do I do that?"

"Your running fast, but not fast enough."

"I'm at my limits." I said ticked off.

"Then you must change the past. Good luck."

"WAIT HOW DO I CHANGE THE PAST?" The sound was gone. I moan. Levi. I'm coming just wait... I'll be here I promise.

Levi's POV

The next day I was laying on the floor. I don't remember being on the floor. I got up. "Of course." Mikasa was laying ontop of Eren. I gasp noticing that she's putting pressure on his heart. I push her off and check his pulse. "Good."

"WHAT THE FUCK LEVI." She said getting up.

"Are you dumb? You couldve put too much pressure on his heart. Pay attention. Are you trying to kill your boyfriend!" I said annoying.

"No what the fuck."

"Then don't fucking lay ontop of him."

"I've done it before what's the problem now?" She smirked.

I didn't even care that she did lay with him while he wasn't in a coma it's the fact that she thinks laying on him won't cause him problems. I roll my eyes and lay next to Eren. "If your going to lay next to him make sure you lay like this. If you want to have your hands around him like this" I show her. "Then do so. But never lay ontop of him." I say helping her.

I really didn't want to help her but they are together. Plus I would rather her lay next to him like how I am then her laying ontop of him.

"Whatever. I have to go." She said grabbing her purse and phone.

"Of course, you don't even check up on your boyfriend. What a bad girlfriend." I said.

"I do care, but unlike you, school is a priority."

"Of course it is. Just go Mikasa." I say sitting up.

She left without another word. I look at Eren. So peaceful. I put my hands around him and cuddle him softly. I feel his heart beat over and over. I look up at him as his heart starts to beat faster.

He's sweating. "Again? What's happening to you." I said hugging him softly. "It's okay Eren." I say softly in his ear.

He's struggling with something. I want to help him. How do I help him. I play with his hair and wipe his sweat away. He finally stops sweating. He looks calmer than before...

I get comfortable with him again and I fall asleep...

Eren's POV


Levi stops. I run to him. I turn to see the car. I grab Levi's hand and pull him to me. The car drives past us. I look as the car keeps going. I then turn to Levi. His face was emotionless. A normal face. His eyes were open.

Even though his face is emotional wherever my eyes were his eyes were. I smiled softly before it went all black. "You did it Eren." The same figure who let me go back in time.

"Hey... Thank you.. But what's your name?"

"... My name is Erwin."

"Erwin... Erwin... Familar name..." I say. I paused and gasped. "ERWIN SMITH?!?!"

"Bingo. Thank you for beating it. Now rest up." He said softly.

"Wait. How many days do I have left?"

"28 days Eren."

"How do I stop it?"

"... I can't tell you. Just... Make sure when 28 days are up you see him. No matter what the causes are. You hear me?"

"Y-yeah... But you know the future?" I asked.

"Of course I do... That's why I know you must see him even if something bad happens." He paused. "Goodbye Eren."


A blue light? What does this mean.

"Hi Eren." A female voice said.

"Who are you?" I asked looking around me.

"Hanji. Levi's bestfriend." She said coming out of nowhere.

"Oh... What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to tell you that you passed... But not only that. When you wake up... Please don't break his heart." She says quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Figure it out." She smiled. "Goodbye Eren."

Before I could say bye she was gone. It was dark again. Then I opened my eyes...

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