Day 1/Rewind

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I wake up in my bed. "How the hell did i get here?"


"Oh fuck me. I was at a funeral and i was sleep for 1 day straight?" I get up quickly and change. I probably smell but whatever. I spread cologne then run downstairs forgetting my backpack.


"Bye Kiddo."

"Mom stop calling me that." I say before leaving out the door.

I look over to Levi's house. I pause. "Why does everything seem different..." I sigh. Probably a weird deja-vu.

I walk to school then Armin pulls up next to me "HEY EREN HOP IN."

"Uh okay." I get into the car. "Very familiar..."

"What's familiar?" Armin asked driving us to school.

"What's today's date?"

"The 15 why?"

"The 15 of what?"


I pause. 'BACK IN TIME?' I yell to myself in my mind. "DRIVE FASTER." I yell at Armin.

he drives quicker and then we make it to school. He parks and i run to my first period since class was about to start. Armin caught up with me. "Why are you so happy about getting to class."

"If only you knew why Armin..." I say out loud.


Mikasa runs up to us with Jean. HEY EREN AND ARMIN!"

"Hey Armin and snotty nose kid." Jean says smiling.

I remember this. I punched him in his face... I won't do it again. I got suspended. Can't waste any time. "Shut up. Mikasa control your dog." I say annoyed.

Mikasa chuckles to herself. I walk inside the classroom and talk to the teacher. "Ms Smith. Can i sit next to Levi in the back?"

"Why?" She asked.

"My friends talk to much i actually want to focus."

"Well, i guess so. Go ahead."

I march over to the seat next to Levi and i wait for him to come in. Others start to pile in. I never noticed how Levi was always late. The bell rung and the teacher started to teach.

About 5 minutes later Levi walks in. "Levi your late."

"Sorry." He said walking up to his seat. He sits down next to me. I start to get nervous not knowing what to say.

Gosh he was actually really hot. "Okay, get with a partner guys i'll give you the instructions later."

"Be my partner." I say to Levi.

He doesn't say anything. He looks at me then nods. I scream 'yes' in my head. Mikasa then comes up to me. "Partners?"

"Can't sorry maybe another day." I say smiling.

She nodded then went to find a new partner.

Ms Smith explained the instructions but I wasn't paying attention to that. Finally she said "Alrighty start working with your partners."

I turn to Levi. "What are we supposed to do?"

"We're you even listening?" He asked annoyed.

"No sorry." I said.

"I'll do all the work, you'll just sit there and uhm." He paused. "And look stupid."

He turned away from me and started working. Ouch that did kinda hurt. I then watched as he started to write. "Let me help." I offered.

He turned to me. He's kinda stubborn. "Fine." He slid the paper over to me. "Write a summary."

"About what?"

"About 9/11." He says watching me.

"Uh..." I say thinking about it. I honestly couldn't think. I was admiring his beauty. "I cant." I say honestly.

"Fine just let me do it."

I gave him the paper and he started to write down as he looked back and forth from the book. He looked kinda pale. As he was writing his sleeve was kinda going up. You can see a scar.

I gasped quietly and lifted his sleeve. He turned around quickly and pulled down his sleeve. "What the fuck are you doing brat." He said really irritated now.

"Show me your arm."

"Why would i do that?"

I sighed. Then looked away. He didn't care. He went straight back to his work. I look around the classroom of people talking loud. I'm surprised i didn't hear all this talking.

I then looked back to Levi who was done. "Sorry i didn't help." I said frowning.

"It's fine." He says giving me the paper. "Write your name."

I wrote my name then gave it back to him. "Do you want to be my friend?" I asked.

"Sure i guess." He seemed unsure. I smiled.

"Your gonna be my new best friend."

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