Day 3/ Wake up...

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Wake up...

Eren's POV

"LEVI NO" I run faster than I was and I pushed him out of the way. I looked at his face before...

Levi's POV

Again... not again... NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN. I cry over and over. I pick up my phone and call 911. An ambulance is near by on there way. Thank god. I ran over to Eren. People watched everything that just happened. I check for his heart.

He was still breathing. "Stay with me Eren please..." I said quietly. "God please... Just let me be with him... Don't take him away for me." I prayed for the first time in my life.

I hear the ambulance coming this way. I pick him up slowly ignoring the pain. His eyes were closed his mouth was closed. His heart was still beating.

They ambulances drove right next to us. They got out the car and opened the back of the car. They got the bed out and I gave Eren to them so they can lay him down. "Please let me come with."

"Are you a family member? boyfriend?" One of them asked.


She nodded and let me come in. I sat on one of the little seats connected my hands with Eren's i cried more. "Please..." I said quietly. They drive quickly.

10 minutes later we make it. They take him out and roll him into the hospital. I follow behind as they perform Valsalva Maneuver. Someone stops me. "You can't go in there." Someone said

"He's my boyfriend please..." I said quietly.

"Sorry. Please wait out here." They said before shutting the door.

I cry louder not caring who sees me. 5 minutes later i'm still crying pacing back and forth. But someone stops me. "It's going to be okay Levi." A familiar voice said.

I turned around. Eren's mom. "N-no..."

"He's strong. He's gonna make it out alive for you." She said giving me a semi-smile. I can tell she was on the urge of crying but she was trying to stay strong. Not just for herself but for me. For me to calm down.

I hugged her tightly. "WERE LO-" A person yelled from the room. Carla covers my ears. I try to ignore what I just heard. She puts her chin ontop of my head.

She covers my ears tighter making sure I don't hear anything. I close my eyes. "Save him please." I pray again but quietly. She stopped covering my ears.

"Check his pulse immediately." Someone said from the room.

She lifted my head. "He's gonna make it. I promise."

Eren's POV

I head Levi praying. I hear the ambulance. I don't remember what happened. What's wrong with me? What happened? My whole body feels numb. My vision is blurry. I shut my eyes. "Stay with me Eren." He repeated over and over.

Everything around me gets quiet. From pitch black it turns to white.

"Eren." A voice said.

"W-who are you? And where am i?"

The figure walked out. I gasped. "Your that same guy who let me go back in time..."

"Mhm. Now Eren... Listen to me. You need to stay strong." He says walking closer to me.

Pain starts to hit my stomach. I fall to the ground. "Get up. Don't let the pain stop you from being with Levi."

"It hurts..." I groan.

"Get up now. If you lay down your done for." He says folding his arms.

I try my best and get back up. My legs are wiggly. All i wanna do is relax. "Where am I..." I finally get out.

"Your so close to dying your steps closer to the afterworld." He said.

I was shocked. I stand up. "How do i stop that?"

"Stay strong. Don't think about the pain. Keep going think of Levi. Think of how you got into this. Tell yourself why your saving Levi. Tell me why your trying to stay strong for him."

"I LOVE HIM." I yell to myself. "He's everything to me. I want to be with him. Only him. I want him to stay by my side... I want to be by his side." I say. "I'm going to do it. For Levi." I say confident.

"Good. Now, run. Run as fast as you can until you make it to the pitch black."

"Where is that?" I asked.

"Behind you." I turned around. It was really far. I turned back to him. He was gone.

I did my best and started to run. I ignored the pain. I know Levi was in pain and he still kept going for me. He picked me up when he was in pain. It's my turn now. I'm not going to let you down Levi.

I kept running "I WONT STOP UNTIL IM WITH YOU." I ran faster and faster. I sweat. No wind to cool me down no nothing. But i didn't care anymore. I'm closer. So close. I can feel it.

I run to the pitch black. I walk into it.


My vision is blurry. I cant hear a little bit. "He's waking up." Some said.

My eyes still wanted to close but I kept trying to leave them open. "For Levi..." I said quietly not really moving my lips.

They finished doing what they were doing. They left out the room. My eyes shut by themselves.

3rd point of view.

People run back into the room. "Did we do something wrong?" Someone said confused.

"No... He's in pain. He's most likely going to be in a coma..." Another person said.

Someone brings in Levi and Carla. They walk over to Eren. Levi holds Eren's hand and Carla smiles softly. "I'm sorry.. But he's in a coma.."

"Coma..." Levi said softly...

He laid his head on Eren's chest softly not putting any pressure. And with that... Levi was lost confused and didn't know what to do.

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