Day 2 part 2/ Too Close..

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Too Close...

I follow Eren as his friends. I'm still holding his hand. I finally let go. He stops walking. I keep walking not paying attention to him.

His friends stop and notice he's not walking. "What's wrong Eren?" Armin asked.

"HUH? Oh nothing, sorry i zoned out." He said smiling. He walked up to us but moved away from me.

'Is he mad?' I sigh. I stop. Maybe he will turn around: But i was wrong. He kept walking. I turned away and started walking back to school. "Honestly, i wouldn't have fit in. They didn't pay me any attention. Expect for Eren."

I keep walking and walk into the school buildings. I walk to my second class. "Sorry i'm late." I said sitting down.

"It's fine. Where is everyone else?" Ms Patsy asked.

"I don't know sorry." I say sitting down.

The teacher begins to teach again. Only been 2 and a half a day and i feel weird without Eren. I feel like i'm back to my boring self. Honestly I hate this feeling.

Time goes by slowly without Eren bothering me. It was finally lunch. I run quickly until I make it upstairs to the roof. I then run past people and hide behind the wall. I sit down and let my legs hang off the building.

I look down at everyone who were running and talking with there friends. I wished that was me with my old friends...


"LEVIIII LEVIIIII" Hanji yelled running up to me.

"Hey Hanji!" I say smiling. We start walking to school.

"So Levi, are you going to ask Erwin out?" She asked smiling.

"... I don't know." I say honestly.

"Well now it's your time." She says pointing to the guy infront of us.

I bumped into him. "ERWIN.!!" I say loudly. I blush and turn away.

"Hey Levi!" Erwin said.

I walk past him. He catches up with me with Hanji. "Do it Levi!" She says smiling.

I stop in the middle of the road. I take a deep breath. I'm nervous but I want to be with Erwin... I get ready to speak. "ERWIN I L-"

"LEVI WATCH OUT." Erwin and Hanji both yell. They run to me and push me out the way.

A car ran into them.

"HANJI ERWIN." I yell. I scream as they roll. I drop to my knees. "H-Hanji... E-Erwin... IM SO SORRY..." I yell crying.

I run over to them. The car comes back and they apologize over and over. "CALL 911" I say checking for there hearts. They weren't alive. I cry louder. The ambulance wouldn't have time to save them. There was no way out of this.


I feel tears rolling down my face. The bell rings so i wipe them away. I get up slowly and walk back to the entrance to go back downstairs I make it to my boring class and lay my head down.

Time goes by slow again. Finally school was over. Eren and his friends never came back. I walk home slowly. My ribs started to hurt again. I hold my waist and continue to walk. But then someone pulls me into a quiet spot. They cover my mouth. I try to get away but they were stronger.

"Guess who we have here."'A familiar voice said.

Zach. My eyes widened. Zach turned me around and punched me straight into a black spot. Yes he knocked me out.


I wake up on the ground. I feel more pain on my stomach more than my face. I look at my stomach and gasp. There was cuts all over my stomach. I sigh and get up.

It was late. Really late. Good thing I was almost home. I got up slowly and put my backpack back on. I begin to walk back home. When I make it I look over at Eren's house. A light is on, I assumed that it was Eren's room.

I sighed and walked into my house. "LEVI WHERE WERE YOU WE WERE WORRIED SICK!" My mom says standing up from the couch.

'Doesn't seem like it you were relaxing now your worried? Weird.' I say to myself. "Sorry mom I was caught up with some friends." I lied.

"Who?" She asked suspicion.

"Eren and some of his friends." I lied again.

"Liar. Eren came here today and asked where you were." She said annoyed. "So where we're you really?"

I get annoyed and walk away. I run upstairs and run into my room. I slam the door and lock it. I'm not mad at my mom but what else can I tell her.

I take my shirt off to see the scars better. There was a lot. And i was bleeding. I look at my face. Thank god it was dark downstairs or my mom would know something bad happened to me.

I cleaned myself up and put some bandaids on my cuts. Someone knocks on my door. I unlock it and open it. "I'm sorry." My mom apologizes.

"No mom. I'm sorry." I say calmly.

"Mhm. Well someone is at the door for you." She said smiling.

I nod and she walks away. I go downstairs and open the door. "Eren?"

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