18; The Truth

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After some days....

I walked down the stairs just to see my dad smiling at Mrs. Park. My eyes fell on Sunghoon who was sitting seriously in front of them. They turned their attention towards me and smiled.

"Come here, Seohee", Mrs. Park signalled me to sit beside her.

I looked at Sunghoon with a confused expression. He was staring at me. He looked angry and sad. What happened here?

"Sweetie, We have decided to get married in July", Dad spoke, making me shocked.

I looked at Sunghoon who had his eyes on me, staring at me with a sad look. Does this mean it's over? My eyes getting watery at the thought of this. Yeah, this is reality. We were living in a dream until now. A dream which can never be true.

"Yeah, It's gonna be amazing!", Mrs. Park excitingly exclaimed.

Sunghoon stood up and looked at the two people while I was looking down.

"I---", he stopped when I looked at him and shook my head. He clutched his hands and walked away.

Mrs. Park and Dad looked at each other confused. I stood up and gave them a fake smile.

"Dad, Mrs. Park! I am happy for you two!", I walked away. My tears finally falling as I took steps to Sunghoon's room. As I reached there, I heard loud sounds. I quickly opened the door and saw all the things shattered on the ground. I saw Sunghoon hand bloody from punching the wall.

"SUNGHOON!", I ran to him and held his hands. He looked at me with teary eyes.
"D-Don't do this to yourself".

"Why?! Why?!", he gripped my shoulders and shook me while I closed my eyes, tears falling. "It's over before it even started".

I started crying hard. "Sunghoon, Please! Don't do this".

He stopped shaking me and pulled me into a hug tightly holding me as I cried in his arms. Yeah, It was over before it even started. I hated to let go, but I had to.

Were we meant to be together?

Was this the end?

Everything was becoming very depressing around me. I should be happy because my dad is happy to marry the woman he loves. But no, I'm not happy. I hated the fact that Sunghoon is gonna be my brother. And we had to end this. It isn't easy. Life sucks.

"Seohee, I am sorry", he said and pulled away from me. He kept staring at me while I sobbed. "I am sorry. I knew we would be hurt if we love each other. I hate to see you like this. I hate to see the only girl I care about cry, when my job was to make you smile. I love you so much".

He held my hand and gently caressed it. He kissed my hand and smiled at me.

"But still, we can't make this work. We can't date each other Sunghoon", I looked at him with my sad eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!", Dad yelled. I turned to look at Dad who was glaring at me while Mrs. Park stared at Sunghoon in disbelief.

Dad approached me and held my wrist. "You were dating your Step-Brother!! What the hell is wrong with you?".

He started dragging me out of the room. Sunghoon was about to stop Dad but Mrs. Park held him back. Dad dragged me to my room and slammed the door shut. He approached me and then, I felt my cheeks burn. He slapped me.

I held my cheek and looked at Dad with teary eyes.

"You were fucking dating PARK SUNGHOON when he is your STEP-BROTHER!!", he yelled. I flinched and looked down.

He grabbed my chin harshly, making me look at him.

"I am so disappointed in you, Seohee!", he harshly left my chin and walked away. I heard the sound of door being slammed behind him as I fell on my knees and covered my face, crying hard.

I can't believe this. I can't believe this is happening to me. It's just not right.

Sunghoon's POV....

My mother stared at me wide eyed and then held my collar. I held her hands and pushed her away.

"You!! You were dating that Kim Seohee? That Seohee, the one who is gonna be your sister soon. The one is my soon-to-be husband's daughter!! You should be ashamed of yourself", she yelled. I chuckled bitterly and glared at her.

"I should be ashamed of myself? Me? Wow. Look who's talking! The so-called perfect woman who cheated on my father. You hated my father. You were always out with other men, God knows who!. I heard you and Dad always fought. You never cared about Dad once. You think I don't know? You think I didn't know this! You should be ashamed of yourself. After dad died, you were never crying. You were smiling with that man! You went out on dates and smiled with those people. When I was in my room, depressed, crying, wanting someone's comfort, to hug me and telling me it's okay! And I found that in Seohee! I found her the person who would make me happy WHEN YOU BEING MY FUCKING MOTHER COULDN'T"

She stared at me wide-eyed and her eyes becoming watery. She looked down and started sobbing.

"Sunghoon---", I cut her off with a bitter smile. "Don't speak. You never considered me as your son... Why should I consider you as a mother who will provide me comfort? You oppose our relationship because she is going to be my sister. But.... Can't you see I am happy with her?".

She approached me and cupped my cheeks. I backed away from her and shook my head.

The door opened and there entered Mr. Kim. He held my collar and glared at me.

"YOU WILL FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM SEOHEE!!", he yelled. "She will not see you anymore nor will you!".

"Even if you stop us from seeing each other. The truth is Mr. Kim... She loves me and I love her! You can't deny that"

A/N: Oh shoot!! Kim Seohee and Park Sunghoon's relationship is revealed.

Is this the end of their relationship?

Meet you in next chapter-

Peace out~

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