3; Don't Be Selfish

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I looked at the sky and sighed. Tears won't stop from falling. My dad lied to me. He wanted to be with a woman whom I don't even know. Why did he do that?

Does he think I will accept a new mom so quick? Is it so east for him to do this?

"Come inside", I heard a voice. I turned around and saw him.

"Dad, Why did you do this?", I asked.

He sat beside me on the bench and sighed.

"Sweetie, I am really sorry for lying to you", he apologised.

"Dad, Do you think I can accept her so quickly? This is so fast!! Why?", I asked. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.

"Sweetie, I am still trying to move on from what happened with your mom. It's hard for me too. And I know you won't accept her this quick. There is no pressure on you. And I really love her. She is the only one who can make me forget about your Mom who left us all alone", he patted my back.

"Dad, What do you expect me to do?", I pulled away from the hug and stared at him.

"It's your choice, sweetheart. If you don't want us to get married, then we won't. We'll move away from here", he said. There was sadness in his words.

He was sad to leave her. He loves her so much, even more than my actual Mom. Do I need to understand again? Do I need to take care of him and his happiness?

"Dad, I need some time to think about it", I stood up and went inside the house meeting the eyes of the two people whom I didn't want to see right now.

I went to my room and locked the door. I am really confused right now. I don't know what to do.

Ring! Ring!

I looked at my phone. It was Soobin calling me. I sighed and picked up.

"Soobs!", I said with a smiley face.

"Hey, Seohee! How's the house? Is it huge?", he asked. I chuckled.

"It's huge but it's not ours", I said.

"What do you mean it's not yours?", he asked.

"My dad is marrying a woman whom I don't even know. He lied to me about it and we shifted to her house", I said.

"Oh, really? Did you cry?", he asked.

"My dad gave me a choice, and I don't think I can accept her. I really can't", I said.

"Seohee... Not to hurt your feelings but You are being selfish here", he said.

"Why am I being selfish here?", I asked.

"You are thinking about your feelings. You don't think about what your dad wants. He could've forced you to stay here and accept your Step-Mother. He could've used the hard way. But he didn't. He wanted you to choose. Do you think he will be happy if you do this? He won't be", Soobin said.

"Y-You're right. I-I am the one who is being selfish. I wanted my father to be happy but I am making him more sad", I sighed and tears fell down my eyes. "I just wish this didn't happen".

"Seohee, you will get through this. You can talk to me about anything. You are strong and you will get through this. Just see what your dad wants", he spoke.

"I will... Thanks Soobs... You're the best", I chuckled through the cries.

"I know", he said.

"Yeah! Yeah!", I laughed out loud.


I went down and saw my step-mother and my dad talking to the boy. He seemed to be pissed off. He walked after his eyes met mine. What's wrong with him?

"Sweetie? What are you doing here?", dad asked.

"Dad, Can I talk to you for a second?", I asked. He nodded and we went to the balcony.

"What is it?", he asked.

"Dad, I am--I am.... I am ready to accept her", I said. His lips formed a smile and he hugged me.

"Thank you, sweetie. Thank you for understanding", he said. He seemed happy. He seemed happy and that's all I want.

I guess I am happy too.

Isn't that what I wanted?!


He slammed the door behind him and grabbed his hair in frustration.

"Dad, if only you were here, this wouldn't happen", he looked at the star and his eyes getting watery.

"Mom is getting married to a Man I don't even know. I can't accept them. I can't accept this. I am trying to be strong. You told me to be strong. But I just can't", he cried.

"Your son is so weak on the inside. You were the one who told Mom to marry a man whom she will be with forever before dying. But.... I can't accept. I am sorry!", he fell on his knees and cried.

"Mom should love you and you only", he said. "I want the best for Mom. I want her to be happy but what about you? Are you happy seeing her with some other man?".

"I wish you were alive", he cried.

"I wish you gave me some advice. I am lost", he punched the wall making a loud sound.

"Don't be selfish, Sunghoon-ah!", a voice spoke. "See what your mother wants".

Those were his last words before he died. See what mom wants! Don't be selfish.
I can't be selfish. I care about you dad.
I will follow you. It's your last wish, I will follow you.

A/N: Sorry for this shitty chapter.... I really can't think of anything right now. But if you liked it, then... SARANGHAE!!
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Peace out~

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