20; Believe In Me

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Third Person's POV -

She walked into the house with a smile on her face. She knew what she had to do for her son's happiness and she was ready to do it.

Her phone buzzed. She sighed and picked up.

"Where are you?", she asked.

"At work... Why?", he replied with a curious tone.

"I wanted to meet you... Talk about something important", she spoke. "Come back home".

"Fine! I'll be there"

He hung up the call and she sighed in relief. Her eyes fell on the family photo that was kept on the table. Sunghoon and her husband who died. Her eyes getting watery.

"I am sorry!!", she closed her eyes to stop her tears from falling. There was sudden knock at the door and she quickly wiped off her tears and walked to the door.

She saw him standing at the door with a serious face. He entered and sat on the couch, loosening his tie.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?", he asked. "Something important?".

"Umm.... It's something about Sunghoon and Seohee", she sat in front of him. His eyes were now filled with anger and he shifted his gaze towards her.

"We talked about this.. I don't want your son around my daughter till we get married", he rudely replied to her.

Her hands formed a fist and she tried to control her anger. "Do you even love me?".

"Is that even a question?", he looked at her in disbelief. "Of course, I do!".

She chuckled bitterly and looked down. "Maybe we shouldn't have met!!".

"What are you saying?", he questioned with a worried look.

"You know where your daughter is?", she asked as she finally looked at him.

"Must be in her room. Why?", he replied with a confused look.

"She is in the hospital. Sick due to not eating three days because she missed Sunghoon so bad!", she said. The man's eyes widened and he stood up, holding onto his coat and started making his way to the door.

Before he could open the door, she stopped him. "Stop!! You shouldn't meet them".

He turned to look at her and saw her crying. He ran to her and sat beside her, holding her hand.

"We shouldn't have met. We were never meant to be together", she spoke breaking the heart of the man into pieces. "We are being selfish and this will harm Sunghoon and Seohee!!".

"We shouldn't get in their way! We are just ruining them... We are just making them sad! It's all we are doing", she looked at him with her teary eyes. Her eyes not leaving him.

"What do you want me to do?", he asked with a painful look, gazing at her, waiting patiently for her reply.

"Let me go!", she answered with a tear escaping her eyes. Nothing was more painful that letting the one he loved go.

"Seohee and Sunghoon will be happy with each other, if we separate", he looked down and a sigh left his mouth.

She held his hand and held his chin to make him look at her. "God had planned this for us!! And we can't do anything about this. There is nothing that comes first more than our child's happiness".

He nodded and pulled her into a tight hug. "I am sorry!".

She pulled away from him and smiled at him through the tears. "Be happy".

They both exchanged smiles. She looked at the ring in her hand and removed it, keeping it on the table, he did the same.


Sunghoon stared Seohee's sleeping figure and caressed her hand. She was still in a weak condition but he will take care of her. There was a knock on the door. He turned to look who it was... Heeseung.

"Oh, Hey!", Sunghoon gave him a smile. Heeseung approached him and sat beside him.

"Sunghoon, Make sure to keep her happy", Heeseung said. A painful look spread on his face. He was deeply hurt. "I never got to tell my feelings to her. I know, it was never possible for me... But I am happy that it was you, she loved you!".

Sunghoon softly chuckled and kept his hand on Heeseung's shoulder. "I am so grateful that you are here to help me".

Heeseung looked at Seohee and nodded. "Anytime".

Sunghoon's gaze shifted towards Seohee and saw she was slowly opening her eyes. He smiled and held her hand tightly. She looked at Sunghoon who was smiling at her.

There was knock on the door as soon as she woke up. Their eyes fell on the door and saw who it was. Seohee's tears left her eyes and she looked down. The man approached her and sat beside her.

"Seohee, Forgive your Dad. Will you?", he apologised. "I can't believe I did this... I became selfish... So selfish".

"Appa---", Seohee was cut off by her dad.

"Don't Worry about me, I am happy if you are happy. I am happy that you are smiling like you did with your mother because of Sunghoon! You two... Take care of each other", his heart was breaking into pieces but he held back, not wanting to burst into tears. "Our wedding--- we called it off".

There was complete silence in the room. Their jaw dropped in shock. They couldn't utter a single word.

"Dad, this is all because of me!! It's all my fault.... For---", she was pulled into a hug before she could even say anything.

"Believe in me, Seohee. Everything will be okay", he spoke as he hugged her tightly.

A/N: If you liked this chapter, make sure to vote and comment!

Poor Dad and Mrs. Park... They did this for good. Didn't they? What do you think? Is it right?

Anyways, meet you in the next chapter-

Peace out~

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